
下面的几个单词都以”under-“前缀(prefix)开头,且属于常用单词,对这些词汇的掌握及灵活使用能让你的英语口语、书面表达变得更加地道、准确。我把这些单词放在一起,目的是便于大家进行辨别、记忆。闲话少说(without further ado),我们来看看这些词:


例句:In this sort of case you would always rather overestimate than underestimate.


例句:”Don’t undersell yourself.”


(3)understatement(n. 含蓄、保守的陈述)

例句:Saying “We’ve had a little rain,” when the neighborhood is flooded. Now that is an understatement.

(4)underpin(v. 从底部支撑)

例句:The author’s conclusions are underpinned by references to experimental findings.

(5)underwriting((1)n. 承保,为…提供保险。(2)underwrite的现在分词。Underwrite这个词的构成,源自于承保人在所有列出的风险内容下(under)签名(write),承诺当上述风险发生时予以赔付的做法。)

例句:An insurance company underwrites your policy when it agrees to take the risk of insuring your life or covering your medical expenses in exchange for the premium you pay.

(6)undergo(v. 经历。同义词:experience, endure)

例句:Many others who survived suffered severe frostbite and have had or soon will undergo amputations.

(7)underrate(v. 评价过低(与实际表现不服))

例句:Obviously, this movie is hugely underrated. It should’ve gotten a higher score.

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2018年6月09日 2:06:59 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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