Dean’s List是什么意思?

Dean’s List的字面意思一目了然:院长名单。可是,这院长名单具体又指的是什么呢?

其实,Dean’s List的真正意思是:(大学里的)“优等生名录”。维基百科对此的解释是:“A dean’s list is a category of students in a college or university who achieve high grades during their stay in an academic term or academic year. ”(优等生名录是指那些在大学的一个学期或学年中获得高分的学生名录)。

荣列Dean’s List的条件为:按0-4的GPA打分标准(4为最优),优等生的起点通常是3.5分。

要注意,Dean’s List仅限用于大学中,对高中(high school)而言,类似的说法是”consistent honor list”(一贯优秀生名单)或“honor roll”(荣誉榜)。另外,Dean在这里指的是美国大学管理着多个系的学院院长,而非指某个系的负责人哦,后者的常见说法是department head。


我们通常说someone made Dean’s List, 或者someone gets put on the Dean’s List。


I’m thrilled to know that I made Dean’s List.


A place on the Dean’s List is a high honor for every college student, and it may help them get a better job after graduation.


A Dean’s List is a way of honoring students who achieved excellence in their study. It’s kinda like being on the honor roll in high school.


注:本文由Will的美语课(原创,最后更新时间为:2019年6月01日 8:04:30 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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