Level playing field是什么意思?

Level playing field这个英文短语常常在商业相关的语境中出现,可你知道它具体是什么意思吗?这个短语中的level,以及playing field又指的是什么呢?

其实,level playing field的意思是:公平竞争环境。维基百科指出:In commerce, a level playing field is a concept about fairness, not that each player has an equal chance to succeed, but that they all play by the same set of rules. 商业环境中,level playing field是一个有关公平的概念,这并非指每个玩家都具有平等的成功机会,而是指他们都遵守相同的游戏规则。

知名财经知识站点Investorwords对Level playing field的英文解释是:Environment in which all companies in a given market must follow the same rules and are given an equal ability to compete. 指特定市场中所有公司都必须遵守相同规则、并被给予平等竞争能力的环境。

仔细分析一下这个短语的构成会帮你更好地记忆、理解它。所谓playing field是体育运动里“赛场”的意思。Level在这里作为形容词,意思是“水平的”、“平整的”(having an even or flat surface; being in a plane parallel to the plane of the horizon; horizontal.)。对于在竞赛场地中打比赛的运动来说,为确保公平竞争,比赛双方通常会在半场的时候交换场地。这样就不会有任何一方会因为场地的原因导致竞争时处于劣势。


最后,我们看几个来自Investorwords,关于如何在日常口语中使用level playing field的例子:

You should always try to offer a level playing field at your work place so everyone has a fair chance.

Company executives were happy to see the shady dealings of their competitors finally come to a halt now that government regulatory agencies were in place to prevent malfeasance and maintain a level playing field for all companies.


关于level playing field,有一个很有意思的用法变化,在这里做个补充说明。你只需在level后面加一个单词the,就可以把level由形容词(adjective)变成一个动词(verb),整个短语也由名词短语变为动词短语:level the playing field,意思是:使竞争环境变得公平。(参见thefreedictionary.com的解释:to give everyone the same advantages or opportunities. “It was an effort to level the playing field and achieve greater equality between the sexes.” )


注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2019年12月07日 8:39:35 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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