


“What?!”我猜你现在也许是一副难以置信的夸张表情。“How could it be? Isn’t PDA short for Personal Digital Assistant?”怎么可能,PDA不是很久以前非常高大上、被称为个人数字助理的时髦电子产品吗?


不是啦!这里的PDA是Public Display of Affection的缩写,直译过来就是“爱意的公开表达”。

我们看一段LovePanky.com对PDA的解释:Public display of affection or PDA as they are called, is the act of two people indulging in an intimate act in public.(“秀恩爱”,也常被简称为PDA,是一种两个人在公众场合无视他人,沉浸在亲昵动作中的一种行为。)

前不久,Yahoo!在一篇题为“Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s Rare PDA”(皮特与朱莉罕见秀恩爱)的报道中,如此描述这对明星夫妻的亲昵行为:“…The actors sweetly went in for a kiss, put their arms around each other, and held hands as they cheered on their daughters Zahara, 10, and 8-year-old Shiloh at a youth soccer game in L.A. …”

最后,提示一下PDA的注意事项吧,并非所有人都爱好从事或围观PDA,尽管不少人表示:I’m OK with PDA,亦有人坦言:A lot of people don’t like PDA and a lot of people don’t like witnessing it either. 更有对PDA深恶痛绝的:“Your PDA is annoying AF”。


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