特斯拉Model 3售价定位35000美元,2016年3月启动预售


Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced via Twitter that the design for the automaker’s more affordable Model 3 electric car will be unveiled to the public next year. Musk said Model 3 production will start in ‘about two years,’ pending(等待) completion of Tesla’s battery Gigafactory.

特斯拉CEO伊隆马斯克通过推特宣布:特斯拉公司更便宜的一款车型Model 3的设计将于明年公布。马斯克表示:Model 3的量产将于“约2年后”启动,取决于特斯拉的Gigafactory电池工厂的完工情况。


Pre-orders(预定) for the Tesla Model 3 will open in March 2016, when the design for the $35,000 electric car will be unveiled, CEO Elon Musk announced on Twitter.

特斯拉Model 3的预定将于2016年3月对公众开放,而这也正是这款定价35000美元车型的设计公布日期,CEO伊隆马斯克在Twitter透露。

The factory–located just outside Reno, Nevada–will be the largest producer of lithium-ion(锂离子) cells in the world when it becomes fully operational, Tesla has said.


(本文由Will的美语课编译自csmonitor.com,原文标题:Tesla Model 3 will cost $35,000; pre-orders start next March

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