Have the class to do是什么意思,如何理解?

在美式口语中,我们偶尔会听到这样的表达:someone has the class to do something. 你知道这个表达是什么意思吗?在这里,class并不是指“课堂”或“班级”,而是指:格调、品味,类似于excellence, elegance in dress, design, behavior。have the class to do,中文意思可以理解为:具有做某事的格调、品味、风度;或够格、够档次做某事。参考两个例句:Rihanna doesn’t have the class to represent Dior. It seems that fashion is obsessed with these trashy women as of late.(Rihanna的品味还不足以代言迪奥。但最近时尚品牌似乎都很钟爱她这类女性。) It’s awful to see a man and woman go into a building together, and she has to open the door because he doesn’t have the class to open it for her. (当看到一对男女同时步入大楼,因为男人缺乏风度,而女人得自己推门时,总觉得别扭。)


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