

首先,Second-guess可以表示:事后对某人的行为、或某个事件进行批评;质疑最初的想法、行为(to criticize someone’s actions or an event after it has happened; To be unsure/rethinking your first opinion or thought or idea.)。例如:Of course it’s easy to second-guess the management of the election campaign, but I do think serious mistakes were made.(事后对竞选活动的管理挑毛病似乎很容易,但我确实认为犯了严重的错误。)又如:She added that Americans who voted for Trump may soon end up second- guessing their decision.(她补充说,那些给特朗普投票的选民可能很快就开始怀疑自己当初的决定了。)


其次,second-guess还有“猜测、预测、揣度”(to guess what someone will do in the future)的意思。参考例句:It’s tough to second-guess alien motivations. Often SETI scientists have assumed that extraterrestrials who have survived long enough to make contact will have overcome any warlike traits they had earlier in their evolution.(很难揣度外星人的意图。通常,SETI的科学家们会认为那些能长存到与人类接触的外星人,早已在进化中克服了好战的特质)。



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