
Rig这个词本身有“工具”、“用具”、“设备”的意思,参考其英文解释:Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose。然而rig这个词随着美国总统当选人(president-elect)Donald Trump在竞选期间的频繁使用而变得流行。

Trump最爱说的一句话是:“The system is rigged. ”,在这里,rig用作动词,表示:通过(不合法的)操纵使变得对一方有利,而rigged则是rig的过去分词。rigged在中文里可以翻译为:被(人为)操纵。参考Dictionary.com的对rigged的英文注释:to manipulate fraudulently。而UrbanDictionary也对rigged提供了类似的解释:When you obviously have the advantage but ultimately get fucked over by unreasonable circumstances. 最后,我们看看Trump的另一句话:”…And I’m telling you, November 8, we’d better be careful, because that election is going to be rigged.” 尽管频繁吐槽,Trump最终还是成功赢得大选,堪称逆袭的经典。



(1) 2018.4.23:补充一个英文例句:When you hear someone say “The stock market is rigged” or “Trading stocks is too risky”, you can be sure that you are in the presence of someone who has not put in the time and effort necessary to learn how the stock market really works.(引自《The Little Black Book of Stock Market Secrets》)

注:本文由Will的美语课(原创,最后更新时间为:2018年10月29日 8:13:05 AM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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