彼得·林奇名言: As I look back on it now, it’s obvious that…

“As I look back on it now, it’s obvious that studying history and philosophy was much better preparation for the stock market than, say, studying statistics.”

— Peter Lynch



— 彼得·林奇

美语学习tips:Look back on something,意思是“回顾某事”。参考例句:As I look back on my life, I realize how truly lucky I was growing up in the 80’s and 90’s.(当我回顾一生,我意识到能在80和90年代长大是件多么幸运的事。)Statistics的意思是:统计数据、统计学。投资大师彼得·林奇的投资风格与“股神”巴菲特有些类似,比较看重股票的基本面(fundamentals),而非股价的短期波动(或价格走势),所以林奇得出了上述结论。

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2017年3月23日 10:59:43 AM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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