
Dock这个英文单词最为大家所熟知的意思是船坞(a landing pier, a wharf),但是这个词在法律上还有一个不太为人所知的含义,就是“被告席”。Dictionary.com的解释是:the place in a courtroom where a prisoner is placed during trial.翻译过来就是:在庭审时,法庭上囚犯所处的位置。

之所以提到Dock这个单词,是因为昨天发布的一篇文章:女法官的一个问题,致嫌犯当庭失声痛哭,原因竟是…,该文编译来自Yahoo! news的一篇新闻报道,原文标题为:Friends Reunited! Judge Meets Old Pal In Dock。在这里,in Dock的意思,就是在被告席上。


我们再看一个Dock的例子和用法:In the dock, Mr Grant is quietly spoken, very smart, debonair even and certainly respectable-looking.(在被告席上,Grant先生说话声很小,显得非常聪明,温文尔雅,甚至看上去受人尊敬。)这是英国在线媒体Channel 4关于一起臭名昭著的所谓Night Stalker案件的庭审报道(原文标题:’Night Stalker’ defendant in the dock)。in the dock还可以翻译为,受审时。

其实如果再深究一下,你会发现In the dock这个表达在英国更为流行,因为根据Wisegeek的对dock的解释,in the dock的说法起源于英国:It is a British expression, more commonly used in the United Kingdom than in the United States. The origin of the phrase is rooted in the traditional layout of the English courtroom.




… 她认出他是自己的中学同学!

A burglary suspect broke down in tears in the dock when the judge recognised him as a former schoolmate and said he had been the “best kid” in school.

Arthur Booth appeared in front of judge Mindy Glazer at Miami-Dade bond court charged with burglary.

Booth, 49, was arrested on Monday after being spotted driving a car that matched the description of one allegedly involved in a robbery and failing to stop after a police officer signalled him to.

A police chase followed, resulting in two accidents before he crashed the car.


He fled on foot but was eventually caught and charged with various offences.

When he was taken into court, the judge looked at him for a moment or two and then asked: “Did you go to Nautilus?”


“Oh my goodness,” replied Booth several times, at first with smiles and then breaking down in tears.


“I’m sorry to see you here,” replied Judge Glazer. “I always wondered what happened to you.”

“This was the nicest kid in middle school,” she told the court. “He was the best kid in middle school. I used to play football with him, all the kids, and look what has happened.”
“他曾是我就读中学里最优秀的孩子,”她告诉庭上在场人员。“他是我们学校最棒的。以前我们经常在一起打橄榄球,还有其他所有的孩子们。。。 没想到现在居然成这样。”


“What’s sad is how old we’ve become,” she continued before finishing the conversation with: “Good luck to you, sir, I hope you are able to come out of this OK and just lead a lawful life.”


The judge set Booth’s bond at $43,000 (£27,500).

原文选自Yahoo! news. 原文标题:Friends Reunited! Judge Meets Old Pal In Dock(July 3, 2015)。截至今日,该文章收到2398条评论,大部分评论都如同Glazer法官一样,向Booth表达了美好祝愿,希望他能重获新生。

惠特尼·休斯顿女儿Bobbi Kristina去世(附访谈音频)

美国已故流行乐巨星惠特尼·休斯顿(Whitney Houston)唯一的女儿Bobbi Kristina不幸于2015年7月26日意外离世,距离其母亲去世仅3年。

本文内容选自etonline.com的一则英文短视频报道,并提取了其中的美语原声音频,包括对Bobbi Kristina的访谈音频,并听写了字幕(transcripts)。

一个即将绽放光彩的年轻生命突然凋谢,令人扼腕。身为一代流行乐天后的独女,她本应该前途无量。希望Bobbi Christina一路走好,愿她能和深爱自己的母亲在天堂团聚。


Bobbi Kristina Brown has died, ET can confirm the death of the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. On June 24th, Bobbi Kristina was removed from life support(生命维持系统) and taken from a rehab center(康复中心) to hospice care(临终关怀), Bobbi Kristina was found unresponsive in a bathtub(浴缸) in her home in January. She has spent months in a coma, as her family prayed for her recovery,

In may, ET spoke with Bobbi Kristina’s grandmother Cissy Houston. “Whatever the Lord decides, I’m ready for her, all I can do is hope for the best(往最好的方面想).”

Bobbi Kristina’s death comes just over 3 years after her mother’s death in 2012. The two were incredibly close.

“I still feel her everywhere. She’s still around me, and that’s what keeps me comfortable, is that knowing that my best friend, you know, My everything is still with me. That’s what keeps me comfortable and steady. That’s a little bit, you know, of what my mother and I had.”





1.Don’t forget…
=>Remember to…

2.I’ll try…
=>I have the ability to…

3.I won’t fail next time…
(or I’ll do better next time…)
=>I do my best, which gets better all the time…

4.Never give up…
=>Keep going…just keep going… just keep going…

5.I am overcoming my problems…
=>My life works well – I find more solutions everyday…


6.Don’t be so hard on yourself…
=>Have compassion for yourself…

7.I can face my fear…
=>I am courageous…

8.Don’t worry…
=>Focus on a solution…

9.It is what it is…
=>It is what I choose to make it…

10.I am completely stress free…
=>I am completely calm and relaxed…











注:英文内容选自,作者:Suzanne Glover



由万达投资的美国拳击剧情电影Southpaw由好莱坞一线男星Jake Gyllenhaal担纲,该片的中译名是《铁拳》,其实属意译,你知道Southpaw到底是什么意思吗?

尽管电影Southpaw被翻译为《铁拳》,但这个单词的真正意思是:左撇子。请看Dictionary.com对Southpaw的解释:a person who is left-handed. 在体育项目中,Southpaw的说法常用于两类竞技。一种是棒球(baseball),指a player who throws with the left hand, especially a pitcher. 也就是在棒球运动中以左手投球的投手。

另一种运动,与《铁拳》密切相关,就是拳击(boxing)。A boxer who leads with the right hand and stands with the right foot forward, using the left hand for the most powerful blows.专指右脚在前,右手为前手拳,左拳为后手重拳的拳手(Will注:专业的说法叫“左架”,或“反架”)。在电影中,Jake Gyllenhaal饰演的Billy Hope是位左撇子拳手。【2015.9.1更新:好吧,根据Will最新了解到的信息,在影片中,Billy Hope其实并非是位左撇子拳手。基本上,他采用的是正架站位(orthodox stance)。包括在影片的宣传海报中,我们可以看到Jake Gyllenhaal也并非以反架姿势出现。所以,也许从这个角度来看,Southpaw的名字也许有些名不副实?或者根本就是一个误解?关于这个问题,如果你有兴趣的话,请参考这两篇英文文章:‘Southpaw’ doesn’t appear to be about a southpaw(’southpaw’似乎貌似与左撇子无关),A Southpaw’s Review(一个左撇子拳手的影评)】


我们看下面的示例,图中女拳手就是使用的左架站位(Southpaw Stance)。


为什么southpaw是左撇子的意思?Southpaw的起源/由来是什么?Dictionary.com继续解释:from paw (in the sense: hand): originally a term applied to a left-handed baseball player: perhaps so called because baseball pitchers traditionally face west, so that a left-handed pitcher would throw with the hand on the south side of his body。源自paw(爪)这个单词,有“手”之意。最初用于棒球中的左撇子投手。south呢?可能因棒球投手传统上面向西边,则左撇子投手的手正好位于身体南侧。

在接受媒体采访时,Jake Gyllenhaal坦言,自己此前在打拳方面根本就是小白(didn’t know how to throw a punch),为了更好诠释角色,花了1个月的时间苦练刺拳(Jab),又花了1个月的时间练习脚法(footwork),且全程拒用替身(double)。(以下是Jake访谈的音频片段,你可以试试把内容听写出来,回复在评论中哦)

《华盛顿邮报》对Jake演出的评价是“脱胎换骨”(Jake Gyllenhaal transforms in the boxing drama ‘Southpaw’)。看来为了演绎好轻重量级拳王(light heavyweight champion of the world)的角色,Jake的确是蛮拼的。


PS: Will的美语课最新推出了3项超值服务,希望尽快提升美语发音的朋友可通过微信公众号主窗口底部的“口语秘密”菜单了解详情,或直接在微信中回复:service

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