

英文中,“套利”的对应说法是:arbitrage,可用作名词(noun)、动词(verb)。注意arbitrage的发音有些特殊,有两种读音,可以读作(1) /’ɑrbɪ.trɑʒ/,或者(2) /’ɑːrbətriʒ/。美式英语中,一般多采用读法(1)。

参考Merriam Webster的英文解释: the purchase of a security, commodity, or foreign currency in one market for the purpose of immediately selling it at a higher price in another market. (在一个市场买入证券、商品、或外汇,目的是在另外一个市场以更高的价格迅速卖出)



Arbitrage is a necessary force in the financial marketplace.(套利是金融市场上不可或缺的一股力量)

But the current directionless state of markets in the US has changed the brokers’ focus to more pragmatic pursuits like jobbing and arbitraging. (但是由于当前美国市场走势不明朗,使得交易商将重心转向逐利性更强的操作,比如:炒单及套利)

此外,根据套利的方式不同,arbitrage可以分为:pure arbitrage(纯套利),risk arbitrage(风险套利)。想进一步了解二者的区别,不妨看看Investopedia的这个介绍性视频


(1) Jun 19, 2016:无意中在Shortingbitcoins.com看到了一段关于比特币(bitcoin)的套利介绍,有兴趣的读者也不妨了解下。



首先,hardcore可以表示:铁杆的,死忠的,专业级别的(也叫“硬核”)。例如:a hard core democrat(铁杆民主党人),a hardcore fan(死忠粉),a hardcore Si-Fi movie(硬核科幻片)。


此外,它还可以指:极端的,赤裸裸的。比如一部大尺度的成人色情电影(AV)、或带有赤裸裸性爱描写的影视作品片段,分别可以被称为是:hardcore porn,hardcore sex scene。

有时,你也会听到人们用hardcore来形容极好的东西,比如:Dude, this is hardcore stuff, you can’t  find them anywhere else.(兄弟,这可是绝无仅有的好东西。)


The yen surged to its strongest level against the euro in more than three years on Tuesday as the chances of Britain voting next week to leave the European Union grew, pushing investors towards the security of Japan and other traditional safe havens.



本文来源:Yen hits three-year highs versus euro as Brexit worries mount,June 14, 2016, Reuters

“List price”是什么意思?如何翻译?

List price的意思是“标价”,通常是生产商建议的零售价格,因此也可考虑翻译为“零售指导价”、“建议零售价”、或“官方指导价”。List price通常不是最终的成交价,买家可以在此基础上与卖家讨价还价。参考Investopedia.com对list price的英文定义:The manufacturer’s suggested retail price, determined by supply and demand, for consumer goods such as automobiles or electronics. The list price can be thought of as the starting price for negotiations; it is not necessarily the price that the buyer will pay.(厂家的建议零售价格,由供需所决定,针对诸如汽车、电子产品之类的日用消费品。标价可以被视为是价格谈判/协商的初始价(起价),并不一定是买家最终的支付价格。)


“倒车(入位)”的英文是什么? 怎么翻译?


“倒车”在英语(美语)口语中的说法是:(to) back a car。注意这里的back是用作动词(verb)哦。此外,在美式口语中,人们还会经常说back up the car,意思和back the car差不多。因为美国人在口语中超级爱用up这个副词来搭配动词。比如:wait up(等等), hold up(稍等), fuck up(搞砸),dry up(变干),save up(储蓄)等等。


如果想表达倒车进入车位(倒车入位,或倒车入库),可以说:back into the parking lot。如果想要表示从车位倒出来以便开走,可以说:back out of the parking spot/lot,或者back the car out of a parking lot/space, back out the car from a parking spot。车库、车位,可以用parking lot,parking space来表达。

另外,除了使用back,你也可以用reverse表示倒车。你可以说:I want you to show me how to reverse into that parking lot.(我想让你教教我怎么倒入那个车位。)I always feel clumsy while reversing a car. (每当倒车时,我都感觉笨手笨脚。)

参考这些与倒车有关的英文例句:What is the correct way to back up a car?(倒车的正确方法是什么?)Do not depend on mirrors alone when backing.(倒车时,不要只依赖于后视镜。)You should always back up slowly.(倒车时,你一定要放慢车速)。

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