Sales quota是什么意思?

Sales quota的意思是:销售任务、销售指标。这里的sales,指销售(额);而quota,则是”正式设定、分配的固定额度、限额”(a fixed, limited amount or number that is officially allowed)。注意quota可以指任何额度,例如:The country may be exceeding its OPEC quota of 1,100,000 barrels of oil per day(该国或超出OPEC准予的110万桶每日产油限额)。

Sales quota常被用来作为销售员(sales person),经销商(dealer)等的业绩考核指标。不少在线词典倾向于把sales quota翻译为“销售配额”,我个人觉得这种译法不够贴切,容易让人不知所云。另外,quota和quote(报价、引言)的拼写较为接近,但意思完全不同,需注意区分。


参考例句:The sales team will receive a quarterly bonus if quotas are met.(如果能完成销售任务,销售团队会拿到季度奖金。)



Hand-to-hand的英文解释为:Involving direct physical contact,其意思为:涉及直接的肢体接触。最为常见的用法为:hand-to-hand combat,意为”徒手格斗”、“近身搏斗”。参考American Assassin (2017)中的一段对白:

– You think that qualifies you for my selection process?

– My guess is, if you and I go hand-to-hand you could probably figure out inside of 20 sec whether I have what it takes to make it through your selection process. So, what do you say?




上面这段火药味十足的交谈中,就用到了go hand-to-hand,其意思就是:来一次徒手格斗。注意尽管hand-to-hand的字面意思是”徒手”,但其实并不限于用拳脚攻击,除掉枪械外的冷兵器(knives, sticks, batons)都可以在hand-to-hand combat中用到哦。


In (close) proximity of… 是什么意思?

Proximity,其英文解释为:being near or next; closeness。意思是:接近、靠近、临近。而in proximity of…则是一个固定词组,表示:接近…事物。在美国海关边境保护局(CBP, U.S. Customs and Border Protection)的表格6059B上,有个需要入境旅客填写的选项,其中有一句就用到了in proximity of:”I have (We have) been in close proximity of livestock (Such as touching or handling): () Yes () No”  (我/我们曾与牲畜有过近距离接触,比如:触摸或处理:是或否)。此外,这里的close,意思是“近距离的”。


《Invest like a guru》精彩英文书摘: A good company is one that can continuously grow value…

“A good company is one that can continuously grow value through its operation. It will be worth more tomorrow than it is today. As opposed to mediocre businesses that erode value over time, a good business can grow its value and do so consistently, as in Yacktman’s analogy. The value of the company rises higher and higher and time is its friend.”

Invest Like a Guru: How to Generate Higher Returns At Reduced Risk With Value Investing, Charlie Tian



— 《像大师一样投资:如何通过价值投资实现低风险、高回报》,Charlie Tian

My two cents在美语口语中是什么意思,如何使用?

英文沟通中,当某人在表达自己的观点后,有时会附加上这样一句短语“Just my two cents”。这句英文短语是什么意思呢?它真的和金钱(2美分)有关吗?

其实,my two cents,是人们对自己发表(或即将发表)的观点、意见、想法的谦虚说法。Two cents,字面意思是:两美分,其所传递出的意思是:“我的意见价值不大,也就值2美分,是否听取完全由你决定”。中文里可以考虑将my two cents翻译为:我的个人浅见。



The new dress doesn’t fit you well, but that’s just my two cents.(这件衣服你穿不是很合身,但这只是我的个人浅见)

That was a great discussion. Mind if I throw in my two cents?(刚才的讨论非常棒。介意我说说个人浅见吗?)

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