《碟中谍5: 神秘国度》英文台词: Now we are all wanted by the CIA… Awesome.


Alan Hunley: Mr. Chairman, the time has come to dissolve the IMF. It’s not just a rogue organization, it’s a disgraced one.

William Brandt: Shutting down the IMF is a mistake you might regret.

Alan Hunley: You and your team will answer for every wanton act of mayhem you are responsible for.

William Brandt: Now we are all wanted by the CIA… Awesome.

— Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation(2015)






— 《碟中谍5:神秘国度》(2015)

背景介绍:Alan Hundley testifies about the importance of shutting down the IMF, a move that William Brandt urges is a bad one. Hunley is not convinced by Brandt’s words and puts the known IMF agents, Brandt included, on a CIA watch list. (阿兰·胡恩利大谈解散IMF的重要性,而威廉·布兰德则认为这是一个愚蠢的决策。胡恩利不为布兰德所动,并将IMF的探员(包括布兰德)统统列入CIA监视名单。)

美语学习tips:IMF是电影《碟中谍》系列中的一个特工组织:全称为Impossible Mission Force(不可能任务部队)。rogue organization的意思是:不受控的组织,关于rogue的定义,参考go rogue。wanton:荒唐的、胡来的。mayhem:混乱。awesome:太棒了。这里是Brandt对Hunley的讥讽。

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2015年9月26日 3:17:22 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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