Insurance policy是什么意思,怎么翻译?

Insurance policy的意思是:保单(或“保险合同”)。Wikipedia对insurance policy提供的英文释义为:In insurance, the insurance policy is a contract (generally a standard form contract) between the insurer and the insured, known as the policyholder, which determines the claims which the insurer is legally required to pay. 这段英文的翻译如下:在保险业,保单是指承保人(或保险公司)与被保险人(即投保人)之间签订的正式合同,合同确定了承保人应当理赔的内容。


最后,我们来参考Insurance policy的一个使用例句:Deductibles are the amount of money you have to pay toward a loss before your insurance company starts to pay a claim, according to the terms of your (insurance) policy.(免赔额,是指按照你保单上的条款,在保险公司理赔之前你应当自行承担的金额。)

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