英语听力:年终奖(year-end bonus)该怎么花?

又快到一年中最激动人心的时刻了:领年终奖(receiving the year-end bonus)。公司老板给你发放了丰厚的红包,惊喜到手后你打算怎么花呢?听听CNBC财经记者用美语给你支招。




If you are one of the lucky folks who is getting a holiday or year-end bonus, there are some right and wrong ways to spend it. One of the first things you wanna look at is: are there any financial goals that you should be meeting, any debts you can pay off, particularly anything high interest rate debts, like credit cards. Second thing, we are, of course, at end of the year there are plenty of goals you might have that are unfulfilled. Look toward adding to your savings, topping out your 401K, your IRA, your 529 college savings plan account… Anything along those lines for that extra cash. And if you do have anything left over, of course it’s okay to splurge a little bit. Experts suggest usually putting aside about 10% maximum of any windfall money to use on some sort of fun splurge. The rest of course, You should be putting it into savings. You can see more on CNBC.com. I’m Kelli Grant.


  • Year-end bonus: 年终奖
  • High interest rate debts: 高息债务
  • Add to savings: 增加存款
  • Top out: 大量存入
  • 401K: 养老保险计划
  • IRA: Individual retirement account,个人退休账户
  • 529 college savings: 大学储蓄计划
  • Windfall: 意外之财
  • Splurge: 大把花钱,大量消费


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