很多时候,你会听到美国人把数字0读成字母O。你有没有产生这样的疑惑,到底什么时候读成zero,什么时候读成O呢?看看来自Grammar Girl的权威解释。
Sometimes people think that it’s wrong to pronounce zero as “oh,” but it’s actually OK in certain contexts.
For example, it’s fine—even normal—to say “oh” when you’re reading a series of numbers such as
A zip code (90210) 一个邮编(如:90210)
A room number (room 404) 一个房间号(如:404号房)
A phone number (555-206-1234) 一个电话号码(如:555-206-1234))
A credit card number (1024 5026 9046 8065) 一串信用卡号(如:1024 5026 9046 8065)
Of course, we can’t forget agent designations: James Bond (Agent 007).
当然了,别忘了秘密特工的代码亦是如此:詹姆斯·邦德(代号007)(Will注:007被读作double oh seven)
You pronounce it “zero” when you are talking about math or science. For example, you would say “five minus zero equals five” or that the temperature is “below zero.”
PS:本文编译自quickanddirtytips,作者Grammar Girl。Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips最初是iTunes上一档非常受欢迎的关于英语语法的播客(Podcast)节目。如今,在quickanddirtytips.com,你还会发现更多有趣的各类学习、生活小贴士。