Hand-to-hand的英文解释为:Involving direct physical contact,其意思为:涉及直接的肢体接触。最为常见的用法为:hand-to-hand combat,意为”徒手格斗”、“近身搏斗”。参考American Assassin (2017)中的一段对白:
– You think that qualifies you for my selection process?
– My guess is, if you and I go hand-to-hand you could probably figure out inside of 20 sec whether I have what it takes to make it through your selection process. So, what do you say?
上面这段火药味十足的交谈中,就用到了go hand-to-hand,其意思就是:来一次徒手格斗。注意尽管hand-to-hand的字面意思是”徒手”,但其实并不限于用拳脚攻击,除掉枪械外的冷兵器(knives, sticks, batons)都可以在hand-to-hand combat中用到哦。