什么是gestational carrier?



8月27日,好莱坞著名女星Lucy Liu(刘玉玲)在Twitter上发布了一条推文:Introducing the new little man in my life, my son Rockwell Lloyd Liu. In !(介绍一位步入我生命的小男生,我的儿子:Rockwell Lloyd Liu)幸福地宣布自己有了小宝宝,荣升为新妈妈。她的经纪人也确认说:“I can confirm that Lucy Liu is the proud mother of Rockwell Lloyd Liu, brought into the world via gestational carrier.”



注意到了经纪人的一个用词了吗?Gestational carrier。相信很多学英语的朋友会对这个词感到陌生,你知道gestational carrier是什么意思吗?

好吧,公布答案。Gestational carrier的中文意思是:妊娠载体。其中,gestational是“妊娠的”,carrier则是“载体”。你明白了这个英文表达的字面意思,可是我打赌你还是没有完全搞明白“妊娠载体”是什么意思。所谓“妊娠载体”,是指一类“代孕者”(或“代孕妈妈”),即:自愿出借自己子宫的女性,为需要孩子但又无法生育的另一位女性代为怀孕,直至分娩。


解释1:A gestational carrier is defined as the use of a third party female to provide a uterus (子宫)to carry a pregnancy until delivery(分娩). The embryos(胚胎) are created without any genetic contribution from the carrier or host. Typically, at least one of the gametes(配子) (sperm or eggs) is from the couple who is trying to have the baby.(查看原文

解释2:A gestational surrogate carrier is a woman who volunteers to carry a pregnancy for another woman, and is usually compensated for her time and potential pain and suffering. Unlike traditional surrogacy arrangements however, a “gestational” carrier has no genetic (基因的)connection to the child she carries.(查看原文

严格来说,妊娠载体(gestational carrier)和传统的代孕者(traditional surrogate)是不同的,因为前者与所怀的胎儿没有任何血缘关系,仅仅出借子宫。而后者则通常捐出卵子,并直接在体内受孕。妊娠载体和传统代孕者可以统称为:surrogate mother(代孕妈妈)。最后,如果你还不知道如何正确地用美语读出gestational carrier这个表达,请点击收听gestational carrier的美语发音。有兴趣的话可以进一步参考这篇英文文章的详细解释


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注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2015年8月31日 7:18:57 AM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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