美国油价创10年新低, 推高劳工节(Labor Day)出游热潮

Labor Day travelers have a high-octane(adj. 强烈的) reason to hit the road(v.上路) this weekend — gas prices are at their lowest levels in more than a decade.


The national average for a gallon of gas is expected to drop to $2.44 a gallon this weekend — marking the lowest price since 2004, according to an analysis by GasBuddy.com.



The plummeting prices at the pump are fueling a major uptick(n.上升) in the number of Americans expected to travel this weekend.


More than 35 million people are predicted to head out of town(v. 出城) over the holiday — the highest number since the 2008 recession, according to AAA. “In New York, it’s a dollar a gallon cheaper than last year,” said AAA Northeast New York regional spokesman Robert Sinclair.

根据AAA(American Automobile Association,美国汽车协会),2015年劳工节,预计超过3500万人将出城旅行–创出自2008年经济衰退以来的最高数值。“在纽约,每加仑油价与去年同期相比要便宜1美元。”AAA纽约东北区发言人Robert Sinclair表示。

(本篇英语新闻选自:nydailynews.com,原文标题:Gas prices at record low for Labor Day weekend,Friday, September 4, 2015, 8:02 PM)

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