
对于一些基础数学运算(math operations),我们可能觉得司空见惯,再简单不过。但是如果让你把这些常见的数学表达用英文说出来,你还会吗?今天Will来考考大家一个问题:数学里的几除以几(比如:10除以5,4除以2),用英文该如何表达呢?

其实,你可以像这样说:10 divided by 5(或念成“ten divided by five”),4 divided by 2(或念成“four divided by two”)。Divide,意思是“除、分成若干小部分”,注意这里需要使用过去分词表示”被”除。

我们看几个英文示例:36÷2=818(读作:Thirty six divided by two equals eight eighteen. 即:36除以2等于8 18)What is 3/4 divided by 2?(3/4除以2得多少?注意读法为:What is three fourth divided by two?)


当我们要特别强调某个数”被”除时(被动态),可以用”is divided”,例如:When zero is divided by any number, the result is zero.(当0被任何数除时,结果为0)



注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2020年2月09日 12:24:59 AM。未经授权,严禁转载。

2 thoughts on “数学里的”几除以几”,英文中该怎么说?”

  1. Thanks a lot for pointing that out, Amanda 🙂 It was such an embarrassing mistake I made there. I’ve corrected it. Let me know if you spot other errors.

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