Cobra Kai精彩英文台词:Congratulations! You did what I always thought you could do…

“Congratulations! You did what I always thought you could do. You won. Cobra kai is back where it belongs… back on top. Everyone closed the book on this. They thought we were done. But now they see, that the real story has only just begun.”

— Cobra Kai(2019)

“恭喜!你做到了我一直深信不疑的事情。你赢了。Cobra Kai找回了它应有的地位,重回巅峰。所有人都对我们不抱希望,他们以为我们完蛋了。但现在他们才知道,真正的好戏才刚上演。”


— 眼镜蛇(2019)


注:本文由Will的美语课(原创,最后更新时间为:2019年9月13日 9:12:40 AM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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