什么是break the Internet?

“Break the Internet”,是美国网友们爱用的一个热词。它的字面意思是:打破互联网。不过,它真正代表的含义是:瞬间红遍整个网络。

Break,用作动词的本意是:打破、折断、使碎裂、私自闯入、使…无法正常运作,这里可以理解为:引发轰动(causing a large commotion)。

参考Knowyourmeme给出的英文解释: (Break the Internet is used to indicate) when a narrative, story, or image goes extremely viral, spreading through many different regions of the Internet at once。


美国超级网红Kim Kardashian West(金.卡戴珊.韦斯特)有无数拥趸,她所拍摄的视频、做过的事情、甚至说过的话,就曾经屡屡break the Internet。为此,Webby Awards还给她颁发过”Break the Internet”荣誉奖项呢。

参考英文例句:Kim Kardashian is trying to break the internet again by planning another photo shoot.(金.卡戴珊正计划再拍一组写真,以图再度爆红互联网)。


(1) http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/break-the-internet

(2) http://time.com/3580977/kim-kardashian-break-the-internet-butt/

(3) https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/break-the-internet

谁是omega male?

之前Will写过一篇文章介绍alpha male,但是最近不少读者似乎对omega male这个表达也很感兴趣,因此为大家做个分享。

Omega,是希腊字母表中的第24个字母,处于最末位。Omega male,也是一种男性类型,他们与alpha male呈现出截然不同的特质(traits)。我非常喜欢UrbanDictionary上对Omega male的这段英文解释:A confident and capable male that doesn’t seek approval or abide by social hierarchy. He sets his own goals, and defines his own success.([Omega male指]一个自信、有能力的男性,他不寻求大众的认同,或是忍受社会阶层的约束。他为自我设定目标,对于成功,有着自己的定义。)从这段话看出,Omega极为特立独行,其我行我素的风格绝对亮眼。


(Omega, uppercase & lowercase letter)

ThePopularMan指出:”The omega man is on the fringes of the community or tribe, and regarded as odd, weird, and a loner.”(Omega man游离于团体或社群的边缘,被视为:突兀、怪异、独行侠。)Omega们尽管不合群,但他们却身手不凡。因为极具才华,所以自视甚高的他们不屑与平常人为伍,也是可以理解的。

下面这段话对Omega male更是不乏溢美之词:”Omega men are generally loners in the truest sense, they can’t count on anyone so they don’t. This is attractive to women who find them; I say find because Omega men don’t exactly advertise themselves.”(Omega男往往是真正意义上的独行者,世上太多不靠谱的人,因此他们只信赖自己。这一点对于独具慧眼的女人而言,尤为有吸引力。我之所以说“独具慧眼”,是因为Omega们绝少自我标榜。)

最后,引用一段关于Alpha, Beta, Omega三种类型的男人在同一场合下的不同表现,人物个性瞬间跃然纸上:”Aaron Alpha wants his software team to use the Agile method to write their new program, and goes on and on about it in every meeting. Bob Beta doesn’t want to rock the boat with Aaron, so he starts learning how Agile works. Owen the Omega Male writes the program during the meetings while everyone else is talking.”

Position of power是什么意思?

今天读到Ben Affleck发的一篇推文,其中有这么一句: “I’m saddened and angry that a man who I worked with used his position of power to intimidate, sexually harass and manipulate many women over decades.” 你知道句子中的position of power是什么意思吗?这里的position,意思是地位、境地、职位。而power,则是权力。综合起来,position of power的含义是:处于具有权力的地位。或可将其翻译为“职权”、“权势”、“权力地位”。因此,Affleck的这句话可译为:一个我曾经共事的某男,在数十年内利用其职权恐吓、性侵、胁迫多名女性,对此我深感悲伤与愤怒。



Instagrammable,是一个由网友们造(coin)出来的词汇,由Instagram+mable构成。而Instagram,则是目前最火的图片分享型社交平台。Instagrammable常用来形容a photo that is Instagram worthy,意思是:值得发到Instagram上去的,可以在Instagram上进行分享(晒)的,通常表示一件事物非常好。

我们看几个英文例句:Oh! Look at that beautiful view. It’s definitely Instagrammable. (快看那边的美景,绝对应该发到Instagram上去哦。)Here are the 10 most Instagrammable dishes In L.A. (以下是10道绝对值得晒到Instagram上去的洛杉矶美食。)




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