

你可以说:Something is not right in here,或Something doesn’t feel right here。除了用not right(不太对),你也可以说:weird,古怪的。比如:Something weird is going on here。


参考美国经典悬疑恐怖电影《寂静岭》(Silent Hill, 2006)中的一句台词:I don’t think you understand… there’s something weird going on here. My daughter, Sharon, she’s in danger.(“你不明白,这个地方有些不对劲。我女儿雪伦,她有危险。”)





由著名英国导演Ridley Scott(《银翼杀手》、《异形》、《黑鹰坠落》)执导,好莱坞一线男星Matt Damon(《谍影重重》)担纲的科幻大作《The Martian》(中译名《火星救援》,又译《火星人》)正在美国热映,并获得媒体及观众一致盛赞。该片已确定将引进国内。本文选自Popsugar.com对Matt Damon的访谈视频,英文内容由Will听译。附带的原声音频适合大家进行美语的听力练习。建议先听几遍音频,再阅读英文访谈内容。中文翻译及注释将在下次微信推送时给出,so be sure to check back for the Chinese translation, enjoy! 🙂



So we’re here in mission control. NASA’s mission control at JPL, which is pretty surreal. 

Yeah, it’s like both of our first moments here in mission control actually.

It’s very cool. well Let’s talk about this movie for a minute, because obviously you can’t learn enough to become an astronaut in the time it takes to prepare for a film.


Well… I did. I worked really hard.

Oh, you did? congratulations! really impressive. but where do you draw the line, because as an actor, you still have to make the audience believe that you know what you are talking about.

Yeah, I mean, I think Andy’s book and then the screenplay that Drew Goddard wrote did a really good job of making all of the science really approachable and understandable to a layman, so I guess in that sense it wasn’t that hard. I just had to really understand what I was saying and understand kind of the philosophy behind everything the guy was doing, and then just tell the story.

“This will come as quite a shock to my crew mates… and to NASA, and to the entire world… But I’m still alive, surprise…“

Are there any survival skills you would bring to the table in a similar situation?

I would be… I mean within maybe 12 hours I would be toast.

That’s as far as you make it, 12 hours.

There’s just no way.

Well, one thing I thought was really interesting today is that Ridley said that the way that this Character kinda talk to his GoPro, it’s kind of his confidante, this is all by himself, and I think it’s kinda like his Wilson in a way.

Yeah, I mean I think the differences is that he, in a weird way, I think would expect that someday somebody might find this log, so in a way his behavior is observed, like he’s behaving with the expectation that somebody might be watching him, whereas you know if you are on a desert island with just a volleyball, it’s pretty much you and the volleyball.

Right, because he is a scientist as well.

He is a scientist, and he’s in a situation that’s very unique, so he is trying to kind of catalog his experiences in a way that might someday be helpful to somebody else.

And what was it like to actually shoot this.. Because most of your scenes are all by yourself. Your character talks to himself a lot. I know you shot in Hungary so imagine there was a little bit of isolation being away from your family, In a foreign country that maybe went itself to the performance?

Yeah, I mean, even if you are doing a scene by yourself, you still have 75 people on the crew standing right there, so no, I can’t say I ever felt like I was particularly lonely, though, we went from Hungary we shot on the biggest sound stage in the world actually, which is incredible, the work that everybody did kinda making this habitat… And it’s all green screen stuff to make it look like Mars, and then we went to Jordan, and shot in the desert in Wadi Rum, which is spectacular, and so vast, and standing out in the middle of that desert was really, definitely gives you a feeling of solitude, really beautiful.

Maggie Q关于《尼基塔》的英文访谈片段

“She’s the ultimate, like really the ultimate villain this season. Because with Percy, it was like, “I have an agenda, and Nikita gets in my way, and so if you get in my way, Nikita, I’m gonna kill you or get rid of you”, right? And this becomes now… Amanda doesn’t have an agenda. Her agenda this season is to hurt Nikita. And to hurt Nikita, you need to hurt people around her.”

– Maggie Q


– 李美琪





Villain: 电影里的反派角色。类似的说法还有:bad guy(限男性)。超级大反派,则是super villain。你也可以像Maggie Q那样,说:ultimate villain.

Get in the way,或get in someone’s way:挡着道了,碍着事儿了。

Get rid of:干掉,除掉。


Agenda:日程。在商务环境里,Agenda会是你最常见到的字眼,比如:meeting agenda(会议日程)。例如:So, what’s on the agenda today?(那…今天的议程是什么?)


前段时间Will一直有断续地看Maggie Q主演的美剧《跟踪者》(Stalker)第一季,今天在了解吴彦祖(Daniel Wu)的新剧“Into the Badlands”时,突然想看看Stalker是否有第二季(season 2),网上搜索一番的结果却让我有些小失望。

原来,早在5月,CBS就已经决定不再为Stalker续拍第2季了。Examiner.com在5月10日已有进行报道,标题为:‘Stalker’ and ‘Battle Creek’ cancelled: CBS series not renewed for Season 2(《跟踪者》、《Battle Creek》遭取消:CBS系列剧集不再续播第二季)。该报道提到:

“CBS announced Friday, May 8 that it has canceled freshman drama series “Stalker” and “Battle Creek,” as well as rookie comedy “The McCarthys,” TV Guide reports. All three shows failed to be renewed for Season 2 due to low ratings.”


大意是说CBS宣布已取消3部新剧的后续剧集,究其原因还是由于观众的评价过低(low ratings)。客观来说,我倒是认为Stalker的表现不算太坏,Maggie Q和Dylan McDermott都算是人气主演(尼基塔美国怪谭),演技发挥也都在线。要说缺点,可能剧情不够紧凑算一个吧。毕竟每集都讲一个独立的stalker故事,缺乏强大、有张力的主线贯穿牵引。目前来看,唯一的“大秘密”就是女主角Beth担心真实身份被Perry(Beth的stalker)揭穿,但其实这也不算什么大事。和Homeland第一季的紧张悬疑,以及American Horror Story开篇的神秘离奇相比,Stalker的剧情略显逊色。


虽然看不到Stalker第二季有些遗憾,但还是期待Maggie Q、以及Dylan McDermott今后给观众带来更多精彩佳作。

PS:附上Popsugar在2014年10月访谈Maggie Q的一段英文音频,Maggie聊到了她在剧中塑造的角色与真实自我的区别,喜爱Maggie的朋友可以听听。


Maggie Q携手未婚夫出演新剧《Red Flag



… 她认出他是自己的中学同学!

A burglary suspect broke down in tears in the dock when the judge recognised him as a former schoolmate and said he had been the “best kid” in school.

Arthur Booth appeared in front of judge Mindy Glazer at Miami-Dade bond court charged with burglary.

Booth, 49, was arrested on Monday after being spotted driving a car that matched the description of one allegedly involved in a robbery and failing to stop after a police officer signalled him to.

A police chase followed, resulting in two accidents before he crashed the car.


He fled on foot but was eventually caught and charged with various offences.

When he was taken into court, the judge looked at him for a moment or two and then asked: “Did you go to Nautilus?”


“Oh my goodness,” replied Booth several times, at first with smiles and then breaking down in tears.


“I’m sorry to see you here,” replied Judge Glazer. “I always wondered what happened to you.”

“This was the nicest kid in middle school,” she told the court. “He was the best kid in middle school. I used to play football with him, all the kids, and look what has happened.”
“他曾是我就读中学里最优秀的孩子,”她告诉庭上在场人员。“他是我们学校最棒的。以前我们经常在一起打橄榄球,还有其他所有的孩子们。。。 没想到现在居然成这样。”


“What’s sad is how old we’ve become,” she continued before finishing the conversation with: “Good luck to you, sir, I hope you are able to come out of this OK and just lead a lawful life.”


The judge set Booth’s bond at $43,000 (£27,500).

原文选自Yahoo! news. 原文标题:Friends Reunited! Judge Meets Old Pal In Dock(July 3, 2015)。截至今日,该文章收到2398条评论,大部分评论都如同Glazer法官一样,向Booth表达了美好祝愿,希望他能重获新生。

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