侠探杰克(Jack Reacher)英文台词: It’s the haircut. All you contractors…

“It’s the haircut. All you contractors go to the same barber?”

— Jack Reacher



— 杰克·瑞奇

侠探杰克(Jack Reacher)经典台词:Once a Major always a Major…

Jack: “I wanted to thank you for helping me out of a tight spot.”

Major Turner: “Isn’t that what army folks do for each other, Major?”

Jack: “Ex Major.”

Major Turner: “Oh, once a Major, always a Major.”


— Jack Reacher: Never go back (2016)





— 《侠探杰克:永不回头》(2016)



Chicago P.D.经典台词: You saved my life. I would’ve been dead at 15 if you hadn’t taken me in…

“You saved my life. I would’ve been dead at 15 if you hadn’t taken me in. There’s … no doubt in my mind about that. And I’ve always looked forward to saving yours.”

— Erin Lindsay (S04E01, Chicago P.D.)



— 艾琳.林西(芝加哥警署,第四季第一集)

Will解读:在Chicago P.D.这个特殊的灰色世界里,法律的界限已然模糊,善恶、道义、忠诚才是基本的行事准则。要想在刀口上讨生活,要想让正义得到伸张,你得遵循这里的规则。你明知道Erin是在包庇老大,却又忍不住为她这种行为所打动。正邪莫辨、快意恩仇… 这些岂非正是江湖的魅力所在?

《速度与激情7》英文台词: I used to say I live my life a quarter mile at a time…

I used to say I live my life a quarter mile at a time and I think that’s why we were brothers – because you did too. No matter where you are, whether it’s a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. Salute mi familia. You’ll always be with me. And you’ll always be my brother.

— Dominic Toretto (Fast & Furious 7)



— 多米尼克·托莱多(《速度与激情7》)

《碟中谍5: 神秘国度》英文台词: Now we are all wanted by the CIA… Awesome.


Alan Hunley: Mr. Chairman, the time has come to dissolve the IMF. It’s not just a rogue organization, it’s a disgraced one.

William Brandt: Shutting down the IMF is a mistake you might regret.

Alan Hunley: You and your team will answer for every wanton act of mayhem you are responsible for.

William Brandt: Now we are all wanted by the CIA… Awesome.

— Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation(2015)






— 《碟中谍5:神秘国度》(2015)

背景介绍:Alan Hundley testifies about the importance of shutting down the IMF, a move that William Brandt urges is a bad one. Hunley is not convinced by Brandt’s words and puts the known IMF agents, Brandt included, on a CIA watch list. (阿兰·胡恩利大谈解散IMF的重要性,而威廉·布兰德则认为这是一个愚蠢的决策。胡恩利不为布兰德所动,并将IMF的探员(包括布兰德)统统列入CIA监视名单。)

美语学习tips:IMF是电影《碟中谍》系列中的一个特工组织:全称为Impossible Mission Force(不可能任务部队)。rogue organization的意思是:不受控的组织,关于rogue的定义,参考go rogue。wanton:荒唐的、胡来的。mayhem:混乱。awesome:太棒了。这里是Brandt对Hunley的讥讽。

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