
下面的几个单词都以”under-“前缀(prefix)开头,且属于常用单词,对这些词汇的掌握及灵活使用能让你的英语口语、书面表达变得更加地道、准确。我把这些单词放在一起,目的是便于大家进行辨别、记忆。闲话少说(without further ado),我们来看看这些词:


例句:In this sort of case you would always rather overestimate than underestimate.


例句:”Don’t undersell yourself.”


(3)understatement(n. 含蓄、保守的陈述)

例句:Saying “We’ve had a little rain,” when the neighborhood is flooded. Now that is an understatement.

(4)underpin(v. 从底部支撑)

例句:The author’s conclusions are underpinned by references to experimental findings.

(5)underwriting((1)n. 承保,为…提供保险。(2)underwrite的现在分词。Underwrite这个词的构成,源自于承保人在所有列出的风险内容下(under)签名(write),承诺当上述风险发生时予以赔付的做法。)

例句:An insurance company underwrites your policy when it agrees to take the risk of insuring your life or covering your medical expenses in exchange for the premium you pay.

(6)undergo(v. 经历。同义词:experience, endure)

例句:Many others who survived suffered severe frostbite and have had or soon will undergo amputations.

(7)underrate(v. 评价过低(与实际表现不服))

例句:Obviously, this movie is hugely underrated. It should’ve gotten a higher score.



从政治角度而言(politically speaking),鹰派常指倾向于用武力、战争途径解决问题的政治派别,鹰派的英文是:the hawk。而鸽派则常指偏向以和平手段解决问题的一类政治派系,鸽派的英文是:the dove。“鹰派的”,其英文翻译是“hawkish”;而“鸽派的”,其英文则是“dovish”。

另外,在货币政策的语境中(比如在讨论美联储的货币政策时),人们也常常会听到(偏)鹰派、(偏)鸽派的说法,国内新闻报到时,也会用“鸽派言论”、“鹰派言论”的描述,英文里可以对应翻译为:dovish/hawkish fed policy, dovish/hawkish tone。在这里,hawkish的意思是指收紧货币政策,或加息(rate hike)。而dovish则指放松货币政策,或降息(rate cut)。



If the Federal Reserve uses hawkish language to describe the threat of inflation, one could reasonably expect stronger actions from the Fed.(倘若美联储采用偏鹰派的措辞来描述通胀带来的威胁,人们则有理由相信联储的后续动作将偏向强硬。)

How do people tell by the tone of the Fed or ECB’s statements whether they are hawkish or dovish and what does this mean for asset classes?(人们如何才能通过美联储或欧洲央行申明中的语气来判断他们是偏鹰派、还是偏鸽派?而这种偏向又是如何影响各大资产类别的呢?)






Valedictorian的意思是:毕业典礼上的致辞生,荣誉致辞生。通常这类学生的学习成绩非常优秀,属于班级的尖子生。往往在学校活动(school activities)、领导力(leadership)方面也表现突出。参考Wikipedia对Valedictorian的一段解释Valedictorian is an academic title of success used in the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, and the Philippines for the student who delivers the closing or farewell statement at a graduation ceremony (called a valedictory). 从这段文字中可以看出,Valedictorian这个说法在美国、加拿大、哥斯达黎加、菲律宾最为常见。

Valedictorian这个单词源自拉丁语里的:vale dicere,意思是“说再见”。点这里收听Valedictorian的美式发音。


参考Urbandictionary关于Valedictorian的例句Jimmy was valedictorian of his high school, he had a 4.0, was starting quarterback, and lead his debate team to nationals. 再来一个MerriamWebster的例句:She was the valedictorian of her class in 1985.

注意与这个词相关的表达还有:graduation ceremony(毕业典礼)、valedictory(毕业致辞)、Commencement speech(毕业寄语)。


我们很多人都知道,“棋”的英文是chess,国际象棋的英文就是”chess”,而中国象棋则是“Chinese Chess”。最近Alphabet(谷歌的新马甲)的人工智能系统AlphaGo连续2局战胜韩国围棋九段李世石,让不少人又重新对围棋燃起了兴趣,那。。。有没有想过“围棋”的英文是什么?大部分人估计会猜,应该是个Chinese *** chess之类的翻译吧?

抱歉,Wrong guess!根本不是什么chess。围棋有一个专用的英文名,叫“Go”。你没有看错,就是“Go”!当然,它还有一个地道的中文名称,叫“Weiqi”,但是Go的名头比Weiqi更响一些。(现在是不是能更好地理解这款击败世界围棋冠军的牛X程序为什么叫AlphaGo了呢?)

我们来看一个使用Go的例子,来自Latimes的新闻标题:Google’s machine wins 2nd Go match against a top human player. 注意这里的围棋比赛叫“Go match”,也可以说“Go game”。而在比赛中赢得了某个对手,使用的是win… against…。 围棋棋盘叫“Go board”,棋子是“Go pieces”(或stones),注意Go都要大写哦。



…”2-year-old artificial intelligence masters 5,000-year-old human Go,” said a headline in the Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s most circulated daily newspaper. 韩国发行量最大的Chosun Ilbo日报称:“2岁的人工智能掌握了有着5000年历史的人类围棋游戏。”

…Many had believed it would take an additional decade for computers to conquer the ancient Chinese board game, one of the most creative games ever devised and the only board game left to conquer after chess was mastered by computers in 1997. Go is much more complex than chess. 许多人曾认定计算机战胜古老的中国围棋游戏还需10年时间,因为围棋不仅是人类设计的最具创造性的游戏,也是自1997年电脑战胜国际象棋大师以来,最后一块尚未征服的领地。围棋的复杂程度远胜国际象棋。

根据gogameguru.com的说法,尽管围棋是中国发明的,但它最初是经日本传入西方国家的,而在日语中,围棋被称为”Igo”,其在日文中的意思也是“surrounding board game”(关于“围”的棋盘游戏),再后来,英美国家干脆去掉了Igo中的字母I(注意是i),只留下了我们今天所见到的Go。




Criminal Minds里的Unsub是什么意思?

如果你是”Criminal Minds“的剧谜,一定不会对unsub这个词陌生,剧中的主角们几乎在每一集中都会用到这个词。比如:Aaron Hotchner: We’re looking for a male unsub in his mid- to late twenties. Physically fit enough to subdue Marlene Smith, and carry out a vicious attack and sustained attack. (我们正在寻找一男性unsub,年龄在25-29岁之间。体格上足以制服Marlene Smith,且能发起危险、持续的攻击。)

考虑到Criminal Minds是一部犯罪剧情系列,我们隐约能猜到unsub肯定与罪案、罪犯有关,没错,其实unsub的确切意思是:不明主体,不明嫌疑人。这个词是Unknown Subject两个单词构成的一个简写,unsub是名词(你可以认为它是一个虚构出来的词,a made up term),常出现在罪案类的电视剧中。但在现实生活(real life)中,这个词并不像在电视剧集中那样流行。Criminal Minds里的profiler(心理分析师)们在对犯罪嫌疑人的身份尚不明确,但需要对其进行分析时会用unsub来进行指代。


再看2个例子:Derek Morgan: … but we don’t know what the unsub’s endgame is. (… 但我们不知道不明嫌疑人的最后一着是什么。)Derek Morgan: We believe that the unsub that we’re looking for is a woman who’s trying to get pregnant. She’s experiencing what we call black widow maternal desire. She has a desperate need for a child, which most likely stems from the recent loss of one. (我们要找的不明主体可能是一位想要受孕的女性,她正经历一种所谓的”黑寡妇母性情结”。她迫切地需要个孩子,而这很可能是因其近期丧子所导致。)

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