Ground beef是什么意思?由来是什么?

如果你第一次见到ground beef这个英文短语,你可能会觉得很奇怪:ground不是地面的意思吗?beef是牛肉。可是二者合在一起时,到底表示什么意思呢?

我们来看看知名百科站点Howstuffworks对Ground beef的英文解释:”Ground beef is simply beef that’s been ground or finely chopped, and it’s available in a range of prices depending on what cut it’s from”。(Ground beef,其实就是经过研磨,或切得很细的牛肉。根据肉的部位不同,价格也各不相同。)


美国知名Ground Beef品牌:Star Ranch Angus

注意到上面这段英文释义中我划线的部分了吗?“been ground”,其实,Ground在这里是动词grind的过去分词(past participle),意思是:经研磨的。所以ground beef的字面意思是“经研磨的牛肉”,或“绞碎的牛肉”。但在实际生活中,ground beef通常是被(机器)切成细条状,有些类似我们国内超市里常见的猪肉馅儿,或牛肉馅儿。Ground beef是美国超级受欢迎的重要食材。

关于生活中常用英语表达”ground beef”的意思,就介绍到这里,你学会了吗?下面Will给大家提个小问题,现在你知道了ground beef的含义,那么”ground tuna”又是什么意思呢?(提示:tuna的意思是金枪鱼)欢迎留言回复。



iPhone拆机的说法是:iPhone teardown。 Teardown的英文解释为:a taking apart; disassembly。其他的常用拆机说法还有:disassemble, dismantle。

Teardown这个词源自动词短语:tear down,拆除。除了用于拆卸设备,也可以用来表示建筑物的拆除。如:They are Tearing down this old building to build a new one.


针对消费电子设备(如iPhone手机、Wii游戏主机)的teardown,其目的通常是了解设备的内部构造,组成部件等。很多teardown的行为纯粹出于技术geek们的兴趣爱好;也有的出于商业目的,包括:了解或学习电子设备的硬件设计、元件选材、或估算设备的硬件成本(bill of materials (BOM))等。至于电子设备teardown方面的权威,是一家名为ifixit的网站,堪称无机不拆。不仅拆起苹果设备来毫不手软,GoPro, Kindle, Galaxy, Nintendo都惨被他们大卸八块,且手法相当专业。


The first live teardown was performed on a Toyota Prius at the Embedded Systems Conference in San Jose, april 2006.

iPhone 6 plus teardown reveals a battery nearly as big as an iphone 5s.

Teardown shows Apple’s iphone 6 cost at least $200 to build.

An iPhone 6 teardown confirms that the A8 chip is made by TSMC, not Samsung.



英语中闯红灯的说法是:run the red light. 或run a red light。如果是表示闯红灯的事件(非动作),则可以说:red light running。在美国,由于stop sign也是禁行的标志之一,所以这种行为被称为:run a stop sign, 或stop sign running。


参考两个有关的英文例句:The drunk driver gets busted after running a red light.(一名涉嫌酒驾的司机在闯红灯后被抓。)The police pulled over the car, which had run several red lights.(警察命令这辆连闯多个红灯的车靠边接受检查。)

Clothing, clothes, clothe, cloth, cloths单词意思及用法辨析

Clothing, clothes, clothe, cloth, cloths,这五个英语单词,由于外形接近,含义也比较近似,如何正确区分及使用这5个单词相信会令不少人抓狂。今天Will的美语课就为大家深度解析一下这五个单词的区别,帮你更好地学习英语单词。

Clothing vs. Clothes

Clothing和clothes都是指衣服,在很多时候可以互换(interchangeable)。但是在使用上,clothing更加泛指,你可以把它翻译为中文里的“服饰”、“衣物”、“衣着”。而clothes则通常指某个人具体穿的衣服,或特指某件衣服。注意:clothing是不可数名词(uncountable noun),而clothes只有复数形式(plural form only)。比较这几个句子的区别:


  • what are some websites where you can buy like sporty clothing online?
  • I need all the clothing stores you can think of that have cute, but not too expensive teen clothing.
  • I want to improve my clothing style.
  • When shopping for a few clothes, say at the mall, how much do you spend?
  • Please put some clothes On!

Clothe vs clothes

这两个单词的外形实在是太接近了,稍不留神,很可能会误认为clothe是衣服,而clothes是衣服的复数形式呢。其实,clothes本身就是复数形式(plural form),clothes没有单数形式(it has no singular form)。

Clothe其实是个动词!!!意思是:穿上衣服。例句:she was clothed all in white. The children were clothed in warm fleece. 还有一种比较形象的说法:为。。。穿上外衣。如:”People clothe the act of vengeance in all sorts of justifications” (James Carroll).

Cloth vs cloths

Cloth的意思是布,布匹。a fabric formed by weaving, felting, etc., from wool, hair, silk, flax, cotton, or other fiber, used for garments, upholstery, and many other items. 通常用于制衣、或装潢,以及其他用品。而cloths,是cloth的复数形式,注意:并非clothes哦。

Down payment是什么意思?


Down payment(也称为downpayment),中文意思是“首付款”。Wikipedia对down payment的英文解释如下:

Down payment (or downpayment) is a payment used in the context of the purchase of expensive items such as a car and a house, whereby the payment is the initial upfront portion of the total amount due and it is usually given in cash at the time of finalizing the transaction. A loan or the amount in cash is then required to make the full payment.


Investopedia进一步指出:The payment typically represents only a percentage of the full purchase price; in some cases it is not refundable if the deal falls through. 首付款通常以总价款的百分比形式计算。某些情形下,若交易未能达成,该款项不予退还。

For example, because houses are extremely expensive assets, home buyers typically pay down payments that equal 5-25% of the total value of a home. The remaining 75-95% of the price will be covered by a bank or other financial institutions through a mortgage loan.
在美国,购房者通常需支付房屋总价的5-25%(Bankrate.com甚至指出,首付百分比最低可达到3-3.5%),剩余的75-95%则通过银行或其他金融机构以住房抵押贷款(或称按揭贷款:mortgage loan)的方式偿还。

支付首付款的英语说法是:make down payment,或者put down…on…。美国人在口语中常常把down payment简化为put down,你可能会听到这样的交谈:“Alex put 20 percent down on the house.”意思等同于:“Alex made a 20 percent down payment.”(Alex交了20%的首付。)也可以说:I would try to put down at least $7,500 if possible. (可能的话,我愿意交7500美元的首付。)

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