“Get the axe (ax)”是什么意思?

“Get the axe (ax)”是一个比较口语化、形象化的英文说法,其字面意思是:得到了斧子(axe),实际上指:被斧头砍掉了。在职场语境中,get the axe被引申来表示:遭到解雇,被炒鱿鱼。

我们看看get the axe的英文释义: get fired; if a person gets the axe (ax), they lose their job。除了说get the axe外,也可以把axe当动词:someone is axed。例如:The reporter was axed today due to a sex scandal(因一桩性丑闻,该名记者遭到解雇)。


参考几个例句:I can’t believe it… my manager got the axe at work today. (难以置信,我的经理今天在公司被炒掉了。)After making racist jokes during a live broadcast, the news anchor has gotten the ax from the sports station.(由于在现场直播中开种族玩笑,这位新闻主播被体育台给炒掉了)。


“Get the jitters”是什么意思? 怎么翻译?

“Get the jitters”是一个口语化的英语表达,意思是:感到紧张、不安(尤其是在一件重要的事情发生前夕)。get the jitters的英文解释为:to feel anxious, especially before an important event. 参考例句:I always get the jitters before an interview.(面试前,我总是感到紧张。);Every time I have to make a speech, I get the jitters. (每当要当众发言时,我总是莫名紧张。)再如:Britain gets the Brexit jitters. (英国人对“退欧”颇感不安)。


注意,jitter做名词时,其本意是:快速、轻微抖动(a jittering movement, a tic)。jitters的复数形式作为名词时,其意思就是:一阵不安(a fit of nervousness),常与”the”连用。当然,除了表达紧张,人们也常使用jitter的本意,表示身体(部位)轻微的发抖,例如:Doctor, I get the jitters, is it serious?(医生,有时我会发抖,这种症状要紧吗?)另外,紧张的时候,如果想要放松,则可以说:calm the jitters(使紧张恢复平静)。


Valedictorian的意思是:毕业典礼上的致辞生,荣誉致辞生。通常这类学生的学习成绩非常优秀,属于班级的尖子生。往往在学校活动(school activities)、领导力(leadership)方面也表现突出。参考Wikipedia对Valedictorian的一段解释Valedictorian is an academic title of success used in the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, and the Philippines for the student who delivers the closing or farewell statement at a graduation ceremony (called a valedictory). 从这段文字中可以看出,Valedictorian这个说法在美国、加拿大、哥斯达黎加、菲律宾最为常见。

Valedictorian这个单词源自拉丁语里的:vale dicere,意思是“说再见”。点这里收听Valedictorian的美式发音。


参考Urbandictionary关于Valedictorian的例句Jimmy was valedictorian of his high school, he had a 4.0, was starting quarterback, and lead his debate team to nationals. 再来一个MerriamWebster的例句:She was the valedictorian of her class in 1985.

注意与这个词相关的表达还有:graduation ceremony(毕业典礼)、valedictory(毕业致辞)、Commencement speech(毕业寄语)。



手机的”电池电量低报警”、“电池电量不足告警”、或“电量低警报”用英语表达是“low-battery alert”,这里的alert也可以替换成“warning、或notification”,意思基本上一致。此外,“给手机充电”的英文是“charge the phone”, 或”charge the battery”,电池的“电量指示图标”的英文翻译是:”battery indicator”,或“battery percentage indicator”。



If you see a low-battery alert on your cellphone, you should charge the battery by plugging your USB cable into a power source. (如果你的手机上显示低电量告警,你应该把USB充电线插入电源进行充电)


免费续杯的英语说法是:free refill. 在这里,refill是个名词,表示“重新加满”,具体说就是你把杯子里的饮料喝完后,重新加满饮料,也称为“续杯”。

在美国的不少餐饮连锁店,都有饮品免费续杯政策(英国及欧洲其他国家则较少见)。比如在星巴克(Starbucks),如果你是绿卡或金卡级别会员,可以获得以下饮品中任意一种的免费续杯:brewed coffee(新鲜调制咖啡/冲煮咖啡),  iced coffee(冰咖啡), tea beverages(茶饮)。具体可参考星巴克的free refill政策:How do the free refills on brewed or iced coffee or tea work?(新鲜调制及冰咖啡、茶饮如何免费续杯?)


参考一个来自Business Insider的例句:Starbucks has a little-known perk for members of its rewards program: Free refills on drinks, regardless of your original order. (对于奖励计划的会员,星巴克提供一项甚少人知的特权:饮品可以免费续杯,且续杯的饮料可以和你最初购买的饮品种类不同)

最后,如果你需要用英文对服务员说:麻烦给我续杯好吗?你可以这么说:Excuse me, could I get a refill on my drink, please?

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