谁是the fall guy?

在美式英语中,Fall guy属于一个较为常见的口语短语,你知道它具体代表的是什么意思吗?

我们先看看来自definitions.net的英语解释:A fall guy is a person who is used as a scapegoat; someone who ends up taking the blame for the actions of another person or group。也就是说,fall guy的意思是“替罪羊”(scapegoat),即:替他人承担过错者。中文网络中有个流行用语:”背锅侠”,其含义与the fall guy非常相似。

此外,与fall guy相关的另一个常用英文短语是:take the fall(做替罪羊/替他人顶罪、担责)。

Wikipedia指出,关于fall guy这个表达的起源(origin)其实并不确定。该网站猜测可能是因为在俚语(slang)中,fall表示被捕的意思,所以fall guy就是那个被抓起来承担责任的人。


参考下面几个和fall guy有关的英文例子:

Who will be the fall guy for the democrats this fall if Obama loses?(如果奥巴马竞选失败,谁会成为民主党的”背锅侠”呢?)

How Congress Became the Fall Guy for Obama’s Iran Deal(议会是如何在奥巴马与伊朗达成的协议中成为替罪羊的)




英文短语(go) out on a limb的意思及起源

Out on a limb是一个实用的英文短语,在美国口语中经常出现。下面我们来看看它的具体意思和用法。

Dictionary.com对其的英文解释为:in a dangerous or compromising situation; vulnerable。Out on a limb翻译为中文的意思是“处于危险的境地”,“脆弱”。理解这个词的关键在于limb这个单词,limb在这里并非指“肢体”,而是“树枝”(tree branches),当你on a limb(爬到树枝之上),树枝随时可能折断,处境的危险不言而喻。该短语其实属于一种比喻性表达(figurative expression)。

注意到我们的文章标题中,短语里有一个带括号的go,没错,Go out on a limb也是一个固定搭配,但它和out on a limb的意思是有区别的,来看Knowyourphrase.com对go out on a limb的英语解释:”1. Putting yourself in a risky or precarious situation in order to help someone. 2. Taking a wild guess or expressing an opinion that might not be shared by others.” Go out on a limb可以有两种含义:为了助人而将自己置于险地;大胆猜测并表达不受欢迎的观点。关于go out on a limb的起源(origin),该网站给出了一种推测:


Cats will sometimes climb high up into a tree and then, perhaps out of fear, are unable to climb their way back down to the ground. Consequently, a caring pet owner may decide to climb the tree, and thus, go out on a literal limb to save their helpless cat. This is a major risk, because tree branches can potentially break under the weight of a person. As a matter of fact, people have died while attempting to rescue their cats from trees, so be careful.

实际上,go out on a limb在日常用法中逐渐衍生出一种新的含义,那就是“taking chances”(冒险),而冒险的目的可能并非为了帮助他人

为了帮助你更好地理解并掌握go out on a limb的用法,Will的美语课还帮你挑选了几个(go) out on a limb的例句,你可以试着比较该短语在不同语境下的(细微)意思差异:

  • The company overextended itself financially and was soon out on a limb.
  • I don’t think we’re going out on a limb in claiming that global warming is a problem that must be addressed.
  • Ok, I’ll go out on a limb and vouch for you.
  • Like I said, I love them all and I’d go out on a limb for anyone.
  • Taylor Swift is a pretty accessible woman, considering she’s a mega pop star. But in the middle of her Tuesday concert, one fan decided to go out on a limb to get her attention.

以上就是关于go out on a limb的中文意思解释,如果你有任何问题或建议,欢迎通过留言或微信公众号和Will交流。


英文单词Date有两个主要意思,一个是日期,另一个就是为人所熟知的“约会”(an arrangement to meet someone who you are having or starting a sexual or romantic relationship with,见Macmillan Dictionary对date的英文解释)。而后者在美国口语中使用的频率非常高,且使用的方法更是五花八门。准确的使用这个单词能有效提高你的口语地道程度,为便于大家掌握Date的用法,Will的美语课总结了Date作为约会意思的主要用法,并精心编写了实用口语例句,以便大家练习。






Badass在美语中是一个非常流行的口语单词,你经常可以听到人们用badass来形容不同的人、或者物,比如:I heard this guy’s a real badass, so you better stay away from him。又比如:Maggie Q plays a badass character in the hit TV show Nikita。还有,That’s a badass sports car you got over there。由于构成badass的词bad和ass似乎并非褒义,使得badass看起来更具负面意义。那么badass是否真如它看起来那样,是个贬义词呢?Will的美语课给大家带来了解答。(注:本文于2024年更新,补充badass中文译法,以及多个实用英文例句)

我们来看看权威怎么说。在Wiktionary.com(若无法打开请访问这里解决),对于badass的名词含义有两种截然不同的解释:首先看负面的,A mean or belligerent person; a person with unpleasantly extreme attitudes, behavior or appearance(刻薄、好斗者;具有使人反感的极端态度、行为、或外表者);再看正面的,A person considered impressive due to extreme attitudes, behavior or appearance(某人因特立独行或外表出众,而令人印象深刻)。

综合上面的英文解释,其实答案已经比较明了。Badass既可表达贬义,亦可用于褒义,取决于所处的语境。你可以尝试把它翻译为:牛逼的、强悍(凶悍)的、厉害的、拉风的、生猛的、屌炸天、酷毙了、狂拽酷炫的,狠人,或是狠角色。不过总体而言,在今天的语言环境下,尤其是在美国,badass所具备的褒扬、赞美含义要更多一点。它不仅可作名词,还可作形容词,用来修饰令人惊艳的事物(如前面例子里的:badass sports car)。在亚马逊(Amazon),你随便就可以搜出一打含有badass关键字的畅销书,比如:《You Are a Badass》、《The Badass Life》、《The Badass Body Diet》等等。

接下来,Will的美语课给大家带来了几个badass有关的例句,帮助你更好掌握其用法:(1)You look badass in that leather jacket and sunglasses.(你穿皮夹克戴太阳镜的样子太拉风了)(2)She watched a badass action movie with lots of explosions and car chases.(她看了一部充满爆炸和追车场面的生猛动作片)


我想,下面这篇来自Wikihow,名为How to Become a Badass文章的精彩开头,颇能概括如今人们对badass角色的喜爱之情吧(大家可以阅读体会一下,相当有画面感):

“You know the guy — he parks his motorcycle and walks fearlessly into the bar, clad in black leather. He opens his jacket, revealing tattooed sleeves. He puts a bill on the table, which the barkeep accepts, putting a shot in front of him. You catch a glimpse of the man’s a devil-may-care look in his eye before you quickly look away. You’ve just seen a badass, and you like the idea of becoming one yourself.”

P.S. 提醒大家注意一下badass的拼写,这个单词里的bad和ass需要连写,中间没有空格,不要误写成了bad ass。



YouTube精彩访谈:Badass habits and making them stick(无法打开YouTube可通过这里解决



这条ding ding ding分手短信的内容最近在Twitter上疯转,获2万多个点赞,甚至登上了Yahoo头条。

美国11岁的初中女生Katie Nickens与男友Joey的分手短信内容被姐姐晒到Twitter,竟意外爆红。支持者认为,Katie选择果断与劈腿小男友分手值得赞赏,短信中冒出的”Ding ding ding”金句,更是呛到Joey无言以对。一起来看看短信截屏,附上Will的翻译 🙂


Katie:听说你和Natalie去公园幽会了… 你为什么要欺骗我Joey?我给过你2次机会,你说你爱我,我信了。现在看来,未必。



Joey: 不好意思啊,我跟她只是玩玩而已。
Katie: 得了吧,以后在学校别和我说话。我根本就没爱过你。
Joey: 行啊!反正老给我买星巴克饮料的人是你,所以很明显你还是有点儿爱我的。

Katie: 去你的, Joey。
Katie: “叮叮叮”… 你听,什么声儿?哦对,是接你的电梯到了。因为你根本就够不上我的层次。
Katie: 我赢了。
Katie: 这次咱俩铁定分。


1. screw you: 意思是去你的,类似于说go to hell, fuck you。screw you尽管是一句非常不客气的骂人用语(insulting, swear word),但程度还是要比赤裸裸的Fuck you客气一点。另外,日常生活中,尤其是在亲密的朋友之间,也常用screw you半开玩笑地表达假装生气(佯怒),其实说话者也许并非真的生气。


Karm: Dude your boyfriend’s effing hot.
Sue: Screw you.

2. you are not on my level: 意思是你和我不是一个档次,你不够格(参考Yahoo Answers用户的回答:you are not on my level  means you are not up to my standards, intelligently, financially, socially. It’s a very rude thing to say to anyone and hurtful.)。level是级别,等级的意思。这句话要慎用,因为话里的极度蔑视情绪可能会伤害到他人。不过在本文中,由于Joey说的话非常可恨,所以Katie忍不住爆粗,情有可原。另外,Katie在这里用了一个pun(双关语),ding ding ding,elevator来接你了,因为你根本就够不着我这一层。这里的层(level),既是电梯的楼层,也是人品的层次。

参考:out of my league

3. for real: 意思是认真的。类似于serious, for sure。for real在口语中经常出现,比如:“Dude, My dad’s gonna buy me a brand new sports car!” “Wow… are you for real?”

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