You know the drill是什么意思?


You know the drill是一个非常地道的美语口语表达,You know the drill的意思是“你知道该怎么做”,套用中文里流行的一句说法“你懂的”,北京话里有一个非常贴切的说法“门儿清”。这个短语通常指:由于某人对特定情况下的做事流程非常熟悉,所以不需要多解释,就知道该如何应对、处理。You know the drill的英文解释为:to understand what usually happens in a given situation; an expression meaning “you know what to do, no questions required”.; to know what needs to be done or what usually happens in a situation.


理解you know the drill的关键在于drill这个词,尽管drill做名词有“钻机”的意思,但这个单词还有一个常用的名词含义:“严格训练”(Disciplined, repetitious exercise as a means of teaching and perfecting a skill or procedure.),常常用在军事训练(military training)中。由于长期艰苦、重复的训练,所以受训者对于技能或程序熟稔于心,毋须多说,因此:You know the drill。

尽管我们会在自动语音留言里听到类似这样酷酷的语音消息:”This is Dylan, you know the drill.” (我是迪伦,你知道该怎么做。),但You know the drill绝不仅限在自动语音留言机中使用。

最后,来看几个关于如何使用you know the drill的英文例句:

  • She knows the drill because she has worked there for many years.(她深谙处理之道,因为她在哪儿工作多年)
  • He decided to kill K… and you know the drill.(他决定把K干掉,接下来…你懂的)
  • All of us regulars know the drill.(我们这些常客对此都门儿清)
  • You know the drill – cut the grass, bag the clippings, and leave them at the curb.(老一套–剪草、装袋、把垃圾放在路边)


Sold-out的中文意思是“售罄/卖完”,常指:某场演出的入场券(门票),或热销商品被销售/抢购一空。且常指提前售罄。其英文释义为:Having all tickets or accommodations completely sold, especially ahead of time. 注意sold-out的词性为:形容词(adjective)。

Sold-out的用法请参见下面这个例句:Harris, 31, stood in the crowd at Swift’s sold-out concert, close to the end of the catwalk stage on which Taylor finished her show.



(1)2016/8/9, 补充一个sold out的例句:Dior Bag Released for Chinese Valentine’s Day Sold Out on WeChat(迪奥”七夕”专供手袋在微信上被抢购一空)

Weigh in是什么意思?

在英文中,Weigh in是个比较常见的动词短语,其常用的意思是“参与某个讨论、辩论、或竞争,并提供(权威)意见”。该动词短语常见诸新闻报道。

Thefreedictionary.com对weigh in的英文解释是:“to offer an opinion in a discussion or argument”。关于weigh in的具体用法,大家可以参考下面的几个例句:

Mr. Pierce weighed in with a warning that many companies would not be able to meet the deadline.



The president still hasn’t weighed in on the issue.


另外,提醒大家需要注意weigh in和weigh-in,weigh on的区别哦,这3个短语表达的是完全不同的概念。

美语口语里的bad blood是什么意思?

在美语口语中,Bad blood是一个比较常见的表达方式,bad blood的中文意思是“恶意、敌意、仇视、仇恨、不和”。Dictionary.com对其的英文解释为:unfriendly or hostile relations; enmity; hostility; animosity。美国著名女歌手Taylor swift最近新发布的一首热门英文单曲就名为“Bad Blood”。参考一个例句:There’s been bad blood between the two families for years.(这两个家族之间的仇恨延续了多年。) Bad blood这个表达源于古代人们常将血与情感(blood and emotion)关联起来,尤其是与愤怒(anger)关联。





(1) 股市暴跌

plunge(常指股价跳水), plummet, stock market slide, take a dive, slide

(2) 股市崩溃


crumble, crash, tumble down, meltdown, market debacle

(3) 市场混乱

stock market turmoil, market mayhem, send the stock market reeling, stock rout

(4) 遭受重创

(be) hit hard, take a hit

(5) 市场恐慌

stock market panic, market in panic mode




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