Having said that, that (being) said的意思,翻译及用法

Having said that,是在口语交谈(spoken language)中经常出现的一个转折词(transitional phrase)。我们来看看它的具体意思及用法。

线上词典LearnersDictionary指出:““Having said that” it is a signal that they are going to say something which will contrast or disagree with what they said a moment ago. ” 即:说话的人往往把Having said that作为一个信号,提示对方:下面我说的话将会与我刚才说的内容观点相对、或产生分歧。

在中文里,Having said that,可以考虑翻译为:“说了这么多,尽管如此,不过,然而”等。


参考例句:You guys have done a pretty good job. Having said that, I still think there’s room for improvement.(你们的工作完成得不错,然而,我认为仍然有可以改进的空间)。

除了Having said that之外,that said,that being said,都可表示类似的转折意思,用法也与having said that一致。例如:I’m having my hands full right now, that said, I’ll still take time to review your proposal. (我现在忙得不可开交,尽管如此,我还是会抽时间审阅你的建议案)。




“Be on the lookout for”是什么意思? 有几种含义?

Be on the lookout (for someone or something),是个常用英文短语,其中文意思是:“留心、注意(某人或某事)”,其英文解释为:be watchful for someone or something。


Be on the lookout for signs of a storm.(留心风暴的前兆)


I’m on the lookout for John, who is due here any minute. (我正在留意John,他马上就到)

此外,be on the lookout的含义中的“留心”也逐步被引申“留意、寻找、搜索、搜寻”之意,比如:

We are on the Lookout for New Talent!(我们正在寻找新的人才!)

The cops are on the lookout for a burglary suspect.(警方正在搜寻一名盗窃嫌犯)

值得一提的是,be on the lookout for的同义词是be on the watch for。例如:He was on the watch for her arrival.(他正留意她的到来)


“你可能还不明白我给你的这个机会多么有价值”,在英语口语中可以这么来表达:“I don’t think you understand what I’m offering you here.”  What I’m offering you,在这里表示提供给某人的一个机会、契机、机遇。当你给别人提供了一样有价值的东西,而别人迟疑着不愿接受,你就可以给他来这么一句,一定会让对方动心。


英语口语里的”Let’s see what’s what”是什么意思?

今天Will在听托福听力(TOEFL listening comprehension )的sample test时,注意到这样段对话:“-hmm… Actually, I’m getting a warning flag on your academic record here. -really? -yeah, let’s see what’s what.” 你知道这里的let’s see what’s what是什么意思吗?

根据Wiktionary,what’s what的英文解释是:Precisely what the situation really is or what the facts truly are.(具体的情况如何,或事实的真相是什么。)由此可见,let’s see what’s what,意思则是:我们来看看到底是怎么回事。


了解了Let’s see what’s what的意思,我们再看看前面托福听力对话的完整翻译:“-嗯。。。实际上,我看到你的学习记录那儿有一个警告标志。-真的吗?-是的,我们来看看到底怎么回事。” Let’s see what’s what,你学会了吗?


前两天Will和一个教英文的老师交流,对方说的是英式英语,她在说英文时,我不经意听到“October the third”这样的说法,我立即条件反射地纠正她,说:“应该是October third吧?不用加the。” 对方似乎吓了一跳,回应说:“不用加the吗?你确定?” 我说:“恩,很确定。比如:July fourth,是不用说成July the fourth的。除非你说the Fourth of July。”

在这之后,我也自己查证了一下,其实严格来说,October the third的说法也没有问题,在用英语说日期时,定冠词the可加也可不加,取决于你说的是英式英语还是美式英语。英式英语通常会加the,而美式英语则通常会忽略掉the。


如果你有兴趣,不妨参考Wikipedia的这条解释:”Dates often include a definite article in UK spoken English, such as “the eleventh of July”, or “July the eleventh”; American speakers most commonly say “July eleventh”, and the form “July eleven” is now occasionally used by American speakers.” (访问原文)此外,这篇名为“Dates in spoken English”的文章也对于日期的读法提供了非常到位的解释。

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