特斯拉Model 3售价定位35000美元,2016年3月启动预售


Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced via Twitter that the design for the automaker’s more affordable Model 3 electric car will be unveiled to the public next year. Musk said Model 3 production will start in ‘about two years,’ pending(等待) completion of Tesla’s battery Gigafactory.

特斯拉CEO伊隆马斯克通过推特宣布:特斯拉公司更便宜的一款车型Model 3的设计将于明年公布。马斯克表示:Model 3的量产将于“约2年后”启动,取决于特斯拉的Gigafactory电池工厂的完工情况。


Pre-orders(预定) for the Tesla Model 3 will open in March 2016, when the design for the $35,000 electric car will be unveiled, CEO Elon Musk announced on Twitter.

特斯拉Model 3的预定将于2016年3月对公众开放,而这也正是这款定价35000美元车型的设计公布日期,CEO伊隆马斯克在Twitter透露。

The factory–located just outside Reno, Nevada–will be the largest producer of lithium-ion(锂离子) cells in the world when it becomes fully operational, Tesla has said.


(本文由Will的美语课编译自csmonitor.com,原文标题:Tesla Model 3 will cost $35,000; pre-orders start next March

Why we look? –对于美国WDBJ电台枪击惨案的思考

In light of the tragic on-air shooting at WDBJ in Roanoke, Virginia, John Biggs wrote a thought piece titled “Why We Look,” in which he discusses the issues that arise when the Internet and social media provide us with direct access to sensitive and disturbing content.



基于近期弗吉尼亚州Roanoke的WDBJ电视台于直播期间发生的枪击惨案事件,John Biggs撰写了一篇题为《我们为什么要看》的发人深省的文章(若访问TechCrunch有问题,可本地下载并阅读”Why we look“文章)。该文中,他探讨了当互联网与社交媒体能让我们轻易观看到一些敏感、令人不适内容的同时,随之带来的一系列问题。


(本文配图:WDBJ枪击案遇害播音员: Alison Parker, Adam Ward)

Maggie Q携手未婚夫出演新剧《Red Flag》


Deadline.com于2015年7月23日发布的独家消息,女神Maggie Q将出演一部新的迷你系列(mini series)美剧《Red Flag》。该剧取材自中国清代(19世纪)一位著名的女海盗:郑氏(Ching Shih)(亦被称为:郑一嫂,她是加勒比海盗中清夫人的原型)。Ching Shih是当时中国南海的海盗王,缔造并控制着规模空前的海盗舰队,并曾在一系列海战中大败清政府、葡萄牙、英国海军的舰队。


Maggie饰演的角色是Ching Shih,而她的未婚夫Dylan McDermott也将在片中出演Mason一角。谈及这部新剧,Maggie表示:“It’s exciting to have the opportunity to share Ching Shih’s real-life story with audiences that are both familiar and unfamiliar with her prominent history.”(能有机会与观众分享Ching Shih的真实故事,以及她的传奇经历,是件非常令人兴奋的事情。)该剧编剧、制片人包括颇负盛名的:David Franzoni以及Steven Jensen。猜猜总制片人(Executive Producer)是谁?也是Maggie Q哦。该剧目前处于Pre-production阶段,预计于今年秋季在马来西亚开拍(begin production)。

惠特尼·休斯顿女儿Bobbi Kristina去世(附访谈音频)

美国已故流行乐巨星惠特尼·休斯顿(Whitney Houston)唯一的女儿Bobbi Kristina不幸于2015年7月26日意外离世,距离其母亲去世仅3年。

本文内容选自etonline.com的一则英文短视频报道,并提取了其中的美语原声音频,包括对Bobbi Kristina的访谈音频,并听写了字幕(transcripts)。

一个即将绽放光彩的年轻生命突然凋谢,令人扼腕。身为一代流行乐天后的独女,她本应该前途无量。希望Bobbi Christina一路走好,愿她能和深爱自己的母亲在天堂团聚。


Bobbi Kristina Brown has died, ET can confirm the death of the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. On June 24th, Bobbi Kristina was removed from life support(生命维持系统) and taken from a rehab center(康复中心) to hospice care(临终关怀), Bobbi Kristina was found unresponsive in a bathtub(浴缸) in her home in January. She has spent months in a coma, as her family prayed for her recovery,

In may, ET spoke with Bobbi Kristina’s grandmother Cissy Houston. “Whatever the Lord decides, I’m ready for her, all I can do is hope for the best(往最好的方面想).”

Bobbi Kristina’s death comes just over 3 years after her mother’s death in 2012. The two were incredibly close.

“I still feel her everywhere. She’s still around me, and that’s what keeps me comfortable, is that knowing that my best friend, you know, My everything is still with me. That’s what keeps me comfortable and steady. That’s a little bit, you know, of what my mother and I had.”


Breaking News: Eurozone leaders reach a deal to negotiate a new bailout for Greece, says EU Council President. (CNN)





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