“Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night”– 这首英文诗曾被多部影片引用,看得出来《星际穿越》的诺兰导演也对其情有独钟。诗的寓意震撼人心,如果在影院听一遍就懂了,你就不用再往下看了,否则请继续阅读。

“Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night”的作者是威尔士诗人Dylan Thomas(1914 – 1953),这首诗为其代表作之一。多年来,该诗被不同类型的文艺作品广泛引用,包括电影、电视、书籍、甚至是Xbox上的热门视频游戏。这次给大家带来诗中最为人熟知的前2段,注意其中第1段在影片《星际穿越》(Interstellar)中多次出现:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
其中第2段,以智者举例,当其知道自己时日无多,但由于尚有心愿未能达成(即:希望自己的言辞或智慧能够影响世界(like a forked lightning),依然选择与死亡抗争。直至最后,都要保持一种斗士的姿态。这首诗对于影片中人物个性的诠释,以及整部电影的意境铺垫,实在是不可或缺。
It means to not go quietly….don’t go without a fight. Don’t face death as though it’s a passive event, go into the night with swords drawn and banners blazing.
Thomas is saying that despite the fact that these men might have regrets about how they lived their lives, and the things that they didn’t do, they still “rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Even they fight off death with every fiber of their beings, perhaps even more so because they felt that they led ineffectual lives, and want more time to make an impact.
最后给大家一个bonus,如果你想听这首诗的第一部分电影原声的音频,请在本站微信公众号“Will的美语课”中回复单词: poem。另外,你也可以直接点击这里收听或下载。 好了,看完上面的介绍,相信你再去看《星际穿越》(Interstellar)时会更有feel哦!