“Be on the lookout for”是什么意思? 有几种含义?

Be on the lookout (for someone or something),是个常用英文短语,其中文意思是:“留心、注意(某人或某事)”,其英文解释为:be watchful for someone or something。


Be on the lookout for signs of a storm.(留心风暴的前兆)


I’m on the lookout for John, who is due here any minute. (我正在留意John,他马上就到)

此外,be on the lookout的含义中的“留心”也逐步被引申“留意、寻找、搜索、搜寻”之意,比如:

We are on the Lookout for New Talent!(我们正在寻找新的人才!)

The cops are on the lookout for a burglary suspect.(警方正在搜寻一名盗窃嫌犯)

值得一提的是,be on the lookout for的同义词是be on the watch for。例如:He was on the watch for her arrival.(他正留意她的到来)

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2020年2月08日 12:32:19 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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