

I think the biggest difference between Facebook and other companies is how focused we are on our mission(使命)…Different companies care about different things. There are companies that care about, just really care about having the biggest market cap(市值). Or there are companies that are really into(喜好) process or the way they do things. Hewlett Packard(惠普), right? The thing that you always hear about them is “the HP Way”. Google, I think is very tied to their culture–They really love that. For us, it is the mission: building a company that makes the world more open and connected.The articulation(发音) of that has, I think, changed over time(随着时间). But that’s really been, like, the belief the whole time(一直).


–Huffington Post, May 14, 2012





“You arrested my client. He was here four hours, and you have no log with an out going call to me. All on the basis of a fabricated terrorism claim. Now if that’s not malicious, I don’t know what that is.”

“You can say what you want. You are a dirty lawyer, and now you are on my radar.”

“If I’m a dirty lawyer, then you are looking in the mirror.”


— Suits





— 《金装律师》




“He’s a good man, Scottie. But he’s not perfect. Sometimes you just have to take what you get, or walk away.”
— Suits



“take what you get”,字面意思“给你什么,你就接受什么”,言下之意是:你不能太挑,太苛求。or walk away,否则你就走开,意思是要不你可以选择放弃。

像埃隆.马斯克(Elon Musk)那样思考,改变你的思维定势

8月22日,SpaceX公司在德克萨斯州上空测试的火箭在空中以燃烧成火球告终,但这并不妨碍人们对该公司CEO埃隆.马斯克(Elon Musk)的仰慕和敬意,因为这次测试意味着人类在通向火星的征程上又迈出了一小步。

埃隆.马斯克是横跨多领域的杰出企业家,被誉为“跨界天才”,也是电影《钢铁侠》的创作原型。他先后创立的4家公司:Paypal(贝宝), SpaceX, Tesla(特斯拉), SolarCity,无一不是行业翘楚,并将对世界产生深远影响。他被认为是乔布斯之后的下一位创新领袖。


1.I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.


2.I could either watch it happen or be a part of it.


3.I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.


4.When I was in college, I wanted to be involved in things that would change the world.



5.When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.


6.It’s OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket.


7.Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.


8.I was born in Africa. I came to California because it’s really where new technologies can be brought to fruition, and I don’t see a viable competitor.


9.People work better when they know what the goal is and why. It is important that people look forward to coming to work in the morning and enjoy working.


10.When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, ‘Nah, what’s wrong with a horse?’ That was a huge bet he made, and it worked.


11.The Tesla Roadster… it’s a two-seater sports car, very high performance…In fact, it’s beat any Ferrari or Aston Martin in acceleration. And it has more than twice the energy efficiency of a Prius.


12.I would like to fly in space. Absolutely. That would be cool. I used to just do personally risky things, but now I’ve got kids and responsibilities, so I can’t be my own test pilot. That wouldn’t be a good idea. But I definitely want to fly as soon as it’s a sensible thing to do.


13.If humanity doesn’t land on Mars in my lifetime, I would be very disappointed.


14.I wouldn’t say I have a lack of fear. In fact, I’d like my fear emotion to be less because it’s very distracting and fries my nervous system.


15.I think it matters whether someone has a good heart.



10条给2014美国大学毕业生的建议,来自美国顶级招聘网站Simply Hired的CEO: James Beriker。本文为USA Today的2014年8月份最热门文章之一,在Facebook及Twitter被广为转发。必看!

1、Have a plan – and change it often

You have all been taught to “have a plan.” Go to this high school, take those classes, achieve those grades, go to that college, take that major. When you graduate, get that job, make that salary, get promoted and work your way up the ladder.

While having a plan is good for providing structure and focus, life never follows a plan. There are always twists and turns — and a plan never accounts for how you evolve and change as you move through your life.

So, have a plan and use it as a rough road map. Understand that any plan is a reflection of what you think your plan is at a particular moment in time — and be prepared to change it radically and often.

2、Be the most authentic version of yourself, all the time

If you want to be an actor, go to Hollywood. Everyone else: be who you really are.

You will bring different parts of yourself to work than you do at home or with your family or friends, but you should be your real self all the time. Don’t adopt personas. Don’t read a book about Steve Jobs and decide you want to be like Steve Jobs. There is only one Steve Jobs, and there is only one you. Figure out what is important to you and who you want to be in the world, and live that as honestly as you can. Choose industries, jobs, colleagues, friends and life partners based on who you really are. Don’t put yourself in a position where you have to be an actor. It won’t work.


3、Your fist job should be about experience

The best first jobs are not always the highest paid jobs or at top companies or in the best places to live. Your first job should provide the opportunity to work with great people you can learn from, where you receive on-the-job training on a set of core skills, where there is the opportunity for you to develop and grow for at least three years (yes, think in terms of three years), and where success means improving your personal brand. My first job out of law school had none of these attributes. I took a job based on salary, worked really hard but learned very little, and wasted 8 months.

4、There is no such thing as “work-life” balance

If you want to work with great people, solve tough problems and leave the world better off because of your work, you can’t have “work-life balance.” If you’re at a start-up or want to invent a new technology or discover a cure for a disease, it is all consuming. If you are on that path, work is your life. I’m not saying that you can’t go to yoga, or play a sport, or have a social life or even a family; but, for certain periods of your life, you should plan to be out of “balance.” If you try to “balance,” you will only set yourself up for failure and disappoint yourself and those around you — and something will break.

5、There are no short-cuts

There is no express train to success. Work hard to master something (law, sales, teaching, software development, graphic design, furniture making), create circumstances to be successful (move to the right city, work at the right company, work with the right people, work on the right projects, have a great mentor), and remain open to new opportunities to develop and grow. Think of it as cultivating the land, planting seeds, and harvesting the crops. It takes time, commitment and focus.

6、Take measured risk

So many of you will choose to “play it safe” by doing what your parents and friends would do. But, if you are presented with an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and take a measured risk — a start-up, a job that is a stretch, a move to a new city, or a career transition — don’t dismiss it outright. Instead, ask yourself: what will I learn, whether I am successful or not in this new opportunity that I cannot learn in my current situation? I practiced law for the first eight years of my career. When I stopped having fun, I took the opportunity to start a company. It was a huge risk, and some people thought I was crazy. It was the best thing I ever did.

7、Have great mentors
There is nothing more impactful on your career and personal development than having great mentors — people who have experience in your field and are willing to guide you, provide you with real feedback, and help you grow. The thing that a great mentor can do is offer a different perspective on something you are thinking through based on their experience, or ask you the tough questions, or make that introduction. Find a mentor and openly engage with him or her. I’ve been fortunate to have a few really great mentors in my career and know that I would not have been able to develop into the person that I am without their influence.

8、Be the kind of person everyone wants on their “war room” team

There are a group of them in every company: the kind of people you want on your biggest, most urgent problems. They are junior and senior members of the team — and come from all parts of the business. They are creative, thoughtful, assertive, natural leaders and function well inside teams. They are humble but have just enough ego that they can’t fail. They are the first to get called on when there is a challenge, and the last to go if there is a layoff. Become one of these people.

9、Follow your passion

Like so many of my generation, I went to law school because it was the “right” thing to do. What first-born son of an immigrant family wouldn’t go to law school if given the opportunity? I chose law school over a Masters program in the UK, probably for the wrong reason. I don’t necessarily regret going to law school, but I do regret not having the experience of studying in England.

So, as I tell my four daughters: experience life fully, find that thing that drives you, immerse yourself in it and, above all, work on things that you are passionate about. To be truly engaged — and, ultimately be successful, however you define success — you must engage both your head and your heart.

10、Be gracious

This final one is about how you carry yourself. You are among the luckiest in our society. You have an education and the world is, in fact, “your oyster.” As you make your way through it, be humble and gracious. Open doors for people — both literally and figuratively. Say hello to the maintenance guy. As smart and tough and confident as you are, and as full of promise your future is, you will learn that a little kindness goes a long way.

So, as you take this step into the world, take a look back at what you have accomplished here, and be proud. Be thankful to those who helped you get here. Look to the future with an open heart and open mind. But, be measured and thoughtful. Finally, as you move into your future, do so with passion and exuberance — and always remember to read that e-mail twice before hitting “send.”

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