同性婚姻在全美50个州合法! …各路明星们都怎么看?


Adam Lambert: “EQUALITY!”(平等!)

Sam Smith: “Times are changing…I couldn’t be prouder to be gay.”(时代在进步,身为同性恋,我无比自豪。)

Liza Minnelli: “I have always said that everyone has the right to love who they love and today, with the historic decision from the supreme court, I am so happy it is now the law of the land.”(我始终认为:每个人都有权利去爱自己的爱人。今天,随着最高院历史性裁定的出台,很高兴同性婚姻获得国家法律的认可。)


Madonna: “Finally And at Last! The Revolution of Love has Begun!”(终于等到了!爱的革命已然开始!)

Lance Bass: “We are so proud to be American today!”(今天,我为自己是美国人而骄傲!)

Lady Gaga:”#LoveWins over prejudice.”(真爱完胜偏见。)

Ricky Martin: “Now in the U.S. it won’t be ‘marriage equality’ it will only be marriage.”(从现在起,美国不再有“婚姻平等”的提法,有的只是“婚姻”。)

Joe Bonsall: “It’s a sad day for those that care about spirituality and principles based on the Bible! Move on and join the 21st Century? I choose Jesus!”(对于那些认同基于《圣经》的信仰及教诲的人们而言,今天是个悲伤的日子。是否该随大流,加入21世纪?我选择耶稣!)

本文图片选自:Reuters,原文:Supreme Court’s landmark ruling legalizes gay marriage nationwide. 正文内容选自:Los Angeles Times,原文:Same-sex marriage ruling:Pop stars react(and mostly rejoice) on Twitter.

Me either还是me neither?

当你在用英文回答别人“我也不”时,到底该使用me, either,还是me, neither呢?相信对很多人而言,这是个颇为头疼的问题。本文和大家一起来探讨。

假设一位美国友人对你说:I don’t like the new album released by Taylor Swift. 碰巧你也不怎么喜欢Swift的新专辑,你该怎样回应呢,是:me, either,还是me, neither?

这个问题似乎不只困扰我们国人,老美貌似也有点稀里糊涂,从Yahoo Answers上众说纷纭的答案可见一斑。不幸的是,Wikipedia这次也没能给我们直白的答案。所以我只好Bing一下了。

首先看看Yahoo Answers上被选为最佳的回复(best answer)吧(原文名为:Me neither or me either? What is correct?),回答者bruhaha解释道:
Short answer — in everyday informal speech “Me, neither” is often the best choice.(简言之,在日常的非正式交谈中,“Me, neither”通常是最好的选择


It is true that for FORMAL usage, you would be expected to say something like “Neither do I” or “Nor I”.(如果在正式的场合,回答“Neither do I”或者“Nor I”可能更恰当

But for INFORMAL/COLLOQUIAL –everyday!– spoken English, those forms do not always need to be used, and may even be discouraged as “stuffy”.(但对于非正式/口语化、日常的口语,其实不提倡过于拘泥形式,那样会显得很累赘)

这个回答进一步在权威线上词典Thefreedictionary.com得到印证,查询me neither,该网站给出的解释是:Me neither(spoken): I also would not.例句:”I’d never go there alone at night.” “Me neither.” 并给了一个简短的使用说明(Usage notes):used to agree with a negative statement(用于赞同否定陈述).如果你试图查询me either,词典会提示:Phrase not found in the Dictionary and Encyclopedia. (本词典及百科中均无me either这个短语

一位在日本教英语的加拿大本地老师在名为Ask the English Teacher的网站上吐槽并求助:I am Canadian and I started teaching English in Japan recently. At the beginning, I kept thinking that teaching English is a breeze. However, I now come to realize that my grammar actually sucks! … What is the difference between ME EITHER and ME NEITHER? Is Me either bad English?

该网站的博主给出了如下回复:The expression should be “Me neither”—for example: “I don’t like driving in heavy traffic.” “Me neither.” It’s the same as “Neither do I,” but it’s colloquial, not grammatical. “Me either” doesn’t make sense. 你明白了吗?一句话,me neither可视为Neither do I的简化版,但一般用于口语中。

最后,想提醒一下大家,如果你非要用either,上段所例子中的提问也可以这么回答:I don’t, either.


本轮牛市催生了不少让人目瞪口呆的造富神话,一夜之间身家暴涨(getting ridiculously rich overnight)的故事比比皆是。站在牛市的风口上,很多人都赚到了。中文里,对于赚到大钱的情况,我们会说:狂赚了一笔。现在问题是:“狂赚”用英语怎么翻译才地道?本文中,Will的美语课给大家分享多个实用、地道的英文表达方法,并提供例句。







1.“you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” ― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft


2.“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” ― Nelson Mandela


3.“Without fear there cannot be courage.” ― Christopher Paolini



4.“It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” ― Mark Twain


5.“Taking no chances means wasting your dreams.” ― Ellen Hopkins, Crank


6.“Being brave is when you have to do something because you know it is right, but at the same time, you are afraid to do it, because it might hurt or whatever. But you do it anyway.” ― Meg Cabot, All-American Girl


7. “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” ― Theodore Roosevelt


8.“Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”- C. JoyBell C.


9.“Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.” ― John Quincy Adams


10.“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” ― John Wayne






这个其实源自昨晚我们的老朋友XiaoLiang提出的一个问题,她在看美剧“Two Broke Girls”时听到一句台词:“Super awesome!”想知道为什么这里可以用super,super不是一个形容词吗?

答案是:完全可以的!在美语口语中,Super经常被用作副词(adverb),用来表示,“超级地”(better than usual),但这属于非正式(informal)的口语用法。


除了用super awesome表示超给力外,你也可以说:super cool! super dope!super amazing! 比如:”Do you wanna hang out tonight at the local bar after work?”(今晚下班后想去泡吧吗?) “That’d be super awesome!”(那就太给力了!) 其他用super来加强程度的例子还包括:super cute(超萌), super dirty(超色), super hot(超正), super thrilled(超激动),总之是不胜枚举。


如果你用I really want to do something,来表达“我想要”的意思,也无可厚非。但既然我们要学更地道的表达,就需要再想想。啊!有了。。。一个非常口语化的表达是:in the mood for…

mood,是情绪,in the mood for,是处于…的情绪之中,引申为“想要做…事情”。比如:”Got any plans for tonight?”(今晚干嘛去?) “I’m in the mood for some really cool action flicks! How about we go see Furious 7?” (我好想看一部动作片。咱们去看《速7》怎么样?)。

如果你不在状态,什么事情也不想做。你也可以说:I’m not in the mood. 例如:”Hey, you wanna grab a few beers later?”(嘿,待会儿怎么呢一起喝杯啤酒怎么样? “Thanks man, but something’s up and I’m totally not in the mood.”(不好意思兄弟,我这边有点事情,没心情啊。)。

小tip:如果I’m not in the mood这句话被用在夫妻/情侣之间,很多时候又代表着另外一种含义,自己去体会吧。


你当然可以用It’s much better than…来表达“比…强多了”的意思,但美语中有一个更贴切的表达,是:sure beats。举个例子就更容易理解了,假设John不怎么爱上班,但为了养家糊口又不得不朝九晚五。有天周二下班回家的时候,妻子问他,”How’s your day, John?”(今天过得怎么样,John?),这时候John多半会来一句:“Sure beats monday!”(比周一强哦!)言外之意,好歹又熬过了一天呀。

sure,在这里起到加强语气的作用,尽管它是个形容词(还记得super吗?)。beat,意思是击败,引申为比…好之意。再来个例子:”Kyle, Do you like your new job?” (Kyle,你喜欢你的新工作么?)”Well… It’s not the best job in the world but it sure beats working at places like Target.”(额,这也许不是世上最好的工作,但总比在Target之类的地方上班强多啦!)


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