

8月21-24日,华尔街主要股票指数(道琼斯、纳斯达克、S&P 500)连续两个交易日经历暴跌,由于担忧中国及其他新兴市场(emerging markets)的经济放缓(slowdown),投资者疯狂抛售股票,市场陷入恐慌。那么抛售股票的英文如何表达呢?

抛售股票的英语说法是:selloff(或sell-off, 恩,我没骗你,这的确就是1个单词)。Investopedia对selloff的定义如下:The rapid selling of securities, such as stocks, bonds and commodities. The increase in supply leads to a decline in the value of the security.(快速卖出证券,比如:股票、债券、商品。供给的增加导致证券的价值下跌。)


Investopedia进一步探讨了导致selloff的原因:A sell-off may occur for many reasons. For example, if a company issues a disappointing earnings report, it can spark a sell-off of that company’s stock. Sell-offs also can occur more broadly. For example, when oil prices surge, this often sparks a sell-off in the broad market (say, the S&P 500) due to increased fear about the energy costs companies will face.(抛售可能基于多种原因,如:公司的收入报告不及预期会导致公司股票遭抛售。而油价飚升,则会触发市场的大范围抛售,因为投资者担忧上市公司的能源成本会上升进而影响利润。)

当sell和off连写时,selloff是一个名词。意思是:抛售的行为。当sell和off分开写时,则变成一个动词短语:sell off。意思是:进行抛售。比如:investors are selling off stocks due to worries of a global economic slowdown. 最后,我们看几个关于如何使用sell-off的地道英语例句:

U.S. stocks were slammed Friday in a global stock selloff that one well-known macro strategist argues is about China and weakness in emerging markets, with a dash of Federal Reserve rate-hike fear thrown in. (Source: This selloff is about China and emerging markets, with a dash of Fed) (因全球市场大范围抛售,美国股市周五遭受重创,一位知名宏观经济策略师认为市场的下挫由于中国及新兴市场疲软导致,另外,对于美联储加息预期的担忧也脱不了干系。)

The intense selloff on Wall Street forced the Dow and S&P to shed almost 6% for the week, with the Nasdaq declining nearly 7% for the week, as traders across the globe worried about sustained weakness in China.(Source: Crushed: Dow Enters Correction Territory After Biggest Selloff in Four Years) (由于全球交易者担忧中国经济的持续疲软,华尔街遭遇大幅抛售,导致本周道指及标普重挫6%,纳指更是暴跌逾7%。)

Hook up with在美语口语里是什么意思?

Hook这个词在美式口语中经常出现,而短语hook up也是一个常用的口语词组,hook up的字面意思是:fasten, connect, assemble (with a hook or hooks) 引申出的意思则是:meet with, associate with, make a social appointment with…,即:约会、交往、社交。

例如:He never had a decent job until he hooked up with this company. 他一直没有体面的工作,直到和现在这家公司挂上钩。再如:Fancy hooking up with you here, Bill. How have you been?(真没想到在这里遇见你,Bill,你最近好吗?)如果是替人约见某人,也可以说:hook up somebody with someone.


最后,还有一个相当口语化,非正式(informal)的含义:to have casual sex or a romantic date without a long-term commitment. (发生比较随意的性关系,或不以长期为目的地进行约会)。例句:He doesn’t know her very well, but he hooked up with her a couple of times. 他和她不是很熟,但和她发生过几次关系。在这种语境下,hook up翻译为:“钓上、泡上”倒是不错的选择。

在Natalie Portman、Ashton kutcher主演的2011年爱情轻喜剧《No Strings Attached》中,内心缺乏安全感的Emma尽管深爱着Adam,在表明上却拒绝与Adam进一步发展关系,并告诉他:“Go hook up with someone else.”(去找别人上床吧。)当然,尽管历经波折,最终二人还是在一起并幸福相爱。



这些解释都没有错。实际上,随着时代的变化,这个词的用法也在不断演变。Beau这个词源自法语:“beau”, 意思是美貌的,漂亮的。发音是/boʊ/。较早常用的含义包括:花花公子、纨绔子弟、过分注重外貌、打扮的男子。(另外需要注意,beau的复数形式是beaux,发音为/boʊz/)

但如今,Beau在美国英语里用得更多,或更为主要的含义是:男友、男伴。作为“男友”使用时,可与boyfriend互换(interchangeable)。但除了表示一般的boyfriend意思之外,Beau还可以用来表示一种短暂陪伴、不固定的恋爱关系,有时双方可能只是出于性的需要而交往。而boyfriend则相对更为稳定、正式,彼此注重承诺(more committed)。Urbandictionary对beau有这样的解释:A guy who is a love interest, but not necessarily anything official. Someone who a girl is casually dating, hooking up with, seeing or mutually flirting with. A nicer term for a butt-buddy. 在这里,beau更可以理解为“性伴”。


Wiktionary还指出,Beau所具有的以下两种含义已经较少使用(dated):(1)A man with a reputation for fine dress and etiquette; a dandy or fop.(2)A male lover; a boyfriend. 如今,Beau在美语里最常用的意思是“A male escort”(男性玩伴、伴游)。Will在网上看到有把new beau翻译为“新欢”的,倒是相当贴切。如这个例子:She appeared with her new beau.(她携新欢一同现身。)

也许正因为具有比boyfriend更为复杂的内涵,beau这个字眼经常出现在美国娱乐八卦,甚至刑事案件的新闻头条中。前两天,Khloe Kardashian的前夫Lamar Odom就有对前妻的新男友发出警告:别动我的女人!(Lamar Odom still calls Khloe Kardashian his wife and offers warning to her new beau)。而最近不幸离世的Bobbi Christina,以及女演员Edena Hines,她们的男友都无一例外被媒体称为Beau。或许这就是beau和boyfriend的区别?


State of the art是什么意思?怎么翻译?

在谈论到科技或技术时,State-of-the-art是美国人超级爱用的一个短语。用中文翻译过来,可以把state-of-the-art翻译为:最先进的,最高水平的、顶级的。Dictionary.com的英文解释为:the latest and most sophisticated or advanced stage of a technology, art, or science.

注意到了吗?这个短语中的单词之间使用了连字符(hyphen),这样的形式标明其词性为形容词(Phrasal Adjective),是一个名词的前置词(Prenominal)。如果不使用连字符,则state of the art变为一个名词短语(Noun Phrase)。但在实际使用中,存在很多并未严格遵守此规则的例子。


你最有可能会在某部科幻大片(Sci-Fi movie)中听到这个词,当然,科技研发型公司,也很有可能会骄傲地用这个热词(buzz phrase)来宣扬自己的产品或技术实力。


在使用上,这个短语更常被用作形容词。另外,在发音的时候注意不要单个字地去读,尽量连读起来,快一点,这才符合美语的发音习惯哦。还需要提醒的是,由于state of the art这个词如此受欢迎,已经有被滥用的嫌疑,所以在使用的时候应谨慎。与state of the art比较接近的同义词有:highly sophisticated, best of breed.


Whoever she is, she’s clearly well-financed, with access to highly classified intel and state of the art weaponry. Their capabilities are beyond anything we’ve ever encountered. (G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA)

This new television set reflects the state of the art in screen technology. (dictionary.com)

It represents the state of the art in readiness for earthquake and tsunami disasters. (CNN)

The institute’s state-of-the art seismic recording system will be used to map what lies beneath Christchurch. (Calgary Herald)

The whole nine yards是什么意思,如何使用?

在美国英语中,“the whole nine yards”是个非常流行的口语化表达,不过,它并不表示“9码”的长度,其真正的意思是“全部、一切、所有的”(everything, the whole lot)。中文里,你也可以把它翻译为:一应俱全、应有尽有。

关于the whole nine yards的起源,没有统一的说法。Wikipedia甚至称:“Its origin is unknown and has been described as “the most prominent etymological riddle of our time.””(该短语起源不详,并被誉为“本时代最著名的未解词源之谜”)。

纽约时报专门刊登过一篇文章讨论the whole nine yards及其由来,文章标题为:The Whole Nine Yards About a Phrase’s Origin。该文引用一位知名在线词典专家Ben Zimmer的话说:(the origin of the phrase)“has been a kind of Holy Grail.”(考证该短语起源更像是追寻某种“圣杯”)。


关于这个短语中出现的nine yards(字面意思是:“9码”),其实并不特指某个用9码来衡量的物体。牛津英语词典的特约撰稿人Jesse Sheidlower说:“The existence of a six-yard variant shows pretty clearly that this is not about yards of anything,” he said. “It’s just a random number.”(很明显,该短语另一个变种”the whole six yards”的存在,说明这个短语并不特指任何事物的码数。)


They gave us the whole nine yards on how to use the system.(他们毫无保留地分享给我们如何使用该系统。)

We brought food, water, sleeping bags, medicine… the whole nine yards.(我们带来了食物、水、睡袋、药品… 一应俱全)



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