



A turnpike is a road or highway on which drivers may travel for a fee. On a turnpike, an authority collects a toll from drivers as they enter the road, exit it, or while they’re traveling on it. Turnpikes, or toll roads, exist around the world. In the United States, they are most heavily concentrated in the eastern portion of the country. Toll amounts vary with each turnpike; in some places, tolls vary according to vehicle class as well.

也就说:Turnpike是针对司机收费的普通或高速路。司机在进出turnpike时,需向公路管理方交费(toll)。Turnpikes,也被称为toll roads,在全球非常普遍。在美国,Turnpike主要集中在东部地区。各条收费路的费用标准不尽相同,并会针对车辆的类型进行收费。


The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) has approved toll rates for a cashless, nonstop tolling point for westbound motorists crossing the Delaware River Bridge from New Jersey into Pennsylvania on Interstate 276.




Cord cutting refers to the process of cutting expensive cable connections in order to change to a low-cost TV channel subscription through over-the-air (OTA) free broadcast through antenna, or over-the-top (OTT) broadcast over the Internet. Cord cutting is a growing trend that is adversely affecting the cable industry.

的确,以Netflix、苹果、Hulu等为代表的互联网视频、流媒体的崛起,导致人们纷纷转向这些更为便捷、灵活、廉价的新型媒体,果断放弃传统呆板、落后、昂贵的服务:有线电视(Cable TV service)。在美国,Cord-cutting已成为一种趋势,传统有线电视网络正在经历前所未有的挑战。


近日,传统媒体巨头迪斯尼(Disney)承认旗下的ESPN网络正经历用户数下滑危机,有报道指ESPN在2014年流失了320万付费用户(ESPN had lost 3.2 million subscribers over the last year),迪斯尼股价更因此在一个交易日内大跌9%。美股传媒板块的各大巨头Time Warner Inc、Discovery Communications Inc、Twenty-First Century Fox Inc 、CBS Corp悉数下跌


英文短语(go) out on a limb的意思及起源

Out on a limb是一个实用的英文短语,在美国口语中经常出现。下面我们来看看它的具体意思和用法。

Dictionary.com对其的英文解释为:in a dangerous or compromising situation; vulnerable。Out on a limb翻译为中文的意思是“处于危险的境地”,“脆弱”。理解这个词的关键在于limb这个单词,limb在这里并非指“肢体”,而是“树枝”(tree branches),当你on a limb(爬到树枝之上),树枝随时可能折断,处境的危险不言而喻。该短语其实属于一种比喻性表达(figurative expression)。

注意到我们的文章标题中,短语里有一个带括号的go,没错,Go out on a limb也是一个固定搭配,但它和out on a limb的意思是有区别的,来看Knowyourphrase.com对go out on a limb的英语解释:”1. Putting yourself in a risky or precarious situation in order to help someone. 2. Taking a wild guess or expressing an opinion that might not be shared by others.” Go out on a limb可以有两种含义:为了助人而将自己置于险地;大胆猜测并表达不受欢迎的观点。关于go out on a limb的起源(origin),该网站给出了一种推测:


Cats will sometimes climb high up into a tree and then, perhaps out of fear, are unable to climb their way back down to the ground. Consequently, a caring pet owner may decide to climb the tree, and thus, go out on a literal limb to save their helpless cat. This is a major risk, because tree branches can potentially break under the weight of a person. As a matter of fact, people have died while attempting to rescue their cats from trees, so be careful.

实际上,go out on a limb在日常用法中逐渐衍生出一种新的含义,那就是“taking chances”(冒险),而冒险的目的可能并非为了帮助他人

为了帮助你更好地理解并掌握go out on a limb的用法,Will的美语课还帮你挑选了几个(go) out on a limb的例句,你可以试着比较该短语在不同语境下的(细微)意思差异:

  • The company overextended itself financially and was soon out on a limb.
  • I don’t think we’re going out on a limb in claiming that global warming is a problem that must be addressed.
  • Ok, I’ll go out on a limb and vouch for you.
  • Like I said, I love them all and I’d go out on a limb for anyone.
  • Taylor Swift is a pretty accessible woman, considering she’s a mega pop star. But in the middle of her Tuesday concert, one fan decided to go out on a limb to get her attention.

以上就是关于go out on a limb的中文意思解释,如果你有任何问题或建议,欢迎通过留言或微信公众号和Will交流。


英文单词Date有两个主要意思,一个是日期,另一个就是为人所熟知的“约会”(an arrangement to meet someone who you are having or starting a sexual or romantic relationship with,见Macmillan Dictionary对date的英文解释)。而后者在美国口语中使用的频率非常高,且使用的方法更是五花八门。准确的使用这个单词能有效提高你的口语地道程度,为便于大家掌握Date的用法,Will的美语课总结了Date作为约会意思的主要用法,并精心编写了实用口语例句,以便大家练习。





什么是District Attorney (D.A.)?

如果你喜爱看犯罪类美剧(Crime Drama),你可能会经常听到一个与法律、诉讼有关的头衔:DA(也写作D.A.)。有没有想过DA到底代表什么?它所具有的职能又是什么呢?和Will一起来看看答案吧。

在美国,在法律相关的语境中,DA代表District Attorney,翻译成中文可以是:地方检察官、或区域检察官。



其实,你可以把DA理解为代表各州司法辖区提起公诉的律师。参见Cambridge Dictionary对D.A.的解释:”(District Attorney is) a lawyer who represents the government of a region in court trials, and who decides which cases the government will take to court。”

注意,district是各州为了便于司法管理而划分的区域,其级别要低于州。有时,District Attorney也被称为County Attorney。另外,District Attorney也有他们自己的上级,那就是各州(State)的 Attorney General(总检察长)。美国联邦政府亦设有Attorney,被称为US Attorneys,由美国总统直接提名任命,任期为4年。

注:本文配图右一为Stephanie March,她在热门美剧《Law and Order》中扮演的Alexandra Cabot,是一位Assistant District Attorney。

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