同性婚姻在全美50个州合法! …各路明星们都怎么看?


Adam Lambert: “EQUALITY!”(平等!)

Sam Smith: “Times are changing…I couldn’t be prouder to be gay.”(时代在进步,身为同性恋,我无比自豪。)

Liza Minnelli: “I have always said that everyone has the right to love who they love and today, with the historic decision from the supreme court, I am so happy it is now the law of the land.”(我始终认为:每个人都有权利去爱自己的爱人。今天,随着最高院历史性裁定的出台,很高兴同性婚姻获得国家法律的认可。)


Madonna: “Finally And at Last! The Revolution of Love has Begun!”(终于等到了!爱的革命已然开始!)

Lance Bass: “We are so proud to be American today!”(今天,我为自己是美国人而骄傲!)

Lady Gaga:”#LoveWins over prejudice.”(真爱完胜偏见。)

Ricky Martin: “Now in the U.S. it won’t be ‘marriage equality’ it will only be marriage.”(从现在起,美国不再有“婚姻平等”的提法,有的只是“婚姻”。)

Joe Bonsall: “It’s a sad day for those that care about spirituality and principles based on the Bible! Move on and join the 21st Century? I choose Jesus!”(对于那些认同基于《圣经》的信仰及教诲的人们而言,今天是个悲伤的日子。是否该随大流,加入21世纪?我选择耶稣!)

本文图片选自:Reuters,原文:Supreme Court’s landmark ruling legalizes gay marriage nationwide. 正文内容选自:Los Angeles Times,原文:Same-sex marriage ruling:Pop stars react(and mostly rejoice) on Twitter.

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2019年6月09日 6:34:12 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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