惠特尼·休斯顿女儿Bobbi Kristina去世(附访谈音频)

美国已故流行乐巨星惠特尼·休斯顿(Whitney Houston)唯一的女儿Bobbi Kristina不幸于2015年7月26日意外离世,距离其母亲去世仅3年。

本文内容选自etonline.com的一则英文短视频报道,并提取了其中的美语原声音频,包括对Bobbi Kristina的访谈音频,并听写了字幕(transcripts)。

一个即将绽放光彩的年轻生命突然凋谢,令人扼腕。身为一代流行乐天后的独女,她本应该前途无量。希望Bobbi Christina一路走好,愿她能和深爱自己的母亲在天堂团聚。


Bobbi Kristina Brown has died, ET can confirm the death of the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. On June 24th, Bobbi Kristina was removed from life support(生命维持系统) and taken from a rehab center(康复中心) to hospice care(临终关怀), Bobbi Kristina was found unresponsive in a bathtub(浴缸) in her home in January. She has spent months in a coma, as her family prayed for her recovery,

In may, ET spoke with Bobbi Kristina’s grandmother Cissy Houston. “Whatever the Lord decides, I’m ready for her, all I can do is hope for the best(往最好的方面想).”

Bobbi Kristina’s death comes just over 3 years after her mother’s death in 2012. The two were incredibly close.

“I still feel her everywhere. She’s still around me, and that’s what keeps me comfortable, is that knowing that my best friend, you know, My everything is still with me. That’s what keeps me comfortable and steady. That’s a little bit, you know, of what my mother and I had.”

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2020年1月30日 4:26:38 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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