Take delivery (of)是什么意思?

根据WiseGeek,Take delivery的英文解释为:accepting the delivery of items or investments a person or business has purchased. 翻译为中文,其意思是:接收个人或企业已购买的货品或投资的交付。简言之,take delivery的意思是:收货、提货、签收货物。参考例句:We took delivery of the smartphones back in August. (早在8月份时我们就已完成智能手机的收货。)


值得一提的是,在美国,特定情况下,合同的签署就意味着已经收货。例如:在某些辖区,只要签署了购车合同就视同收货。参考WiseGeek的这段解释:There are also some cases in which a person is considered to have taken delivery as soon as he has signed a contract. For example, in some jurisdictions a person takes delivery of a car as soon as he signs a contract to purchase it.)

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2016年10月07日 3:43:17 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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