你可能对数学里的“平方”非常熟悉了,2的平方等于4,8的平方等于64(注:感谢读者QiQi指出原错误,已修改),这是小学数学,pretty easy, right? 可是你知道如何用英语来表达或说出某个数的平方吗?
在英语中,某个数的平方的最简单说法是:X Squared(X代表数字)。比如:3 squared,意思是3的平方。3的平方等于9,可以说:3 squared is 9。另外,还有一种复杂些的说法:X to the power of 2(X代表数字,2代表平方),或者X to the second power(X代表数字,second power表示平方),还以3的平方举例,你可以说:3 to the power of 2,或者3 to the second power。
nice explanation , but the 8 to the power of 2 is not 16, it is 64
QiQi, thanks a lot for pointing that out. This again proves that I suck at math. Be sure to lemme know if you spot other errors